I John 5:21 "Dear Children, keep away from anything that might take God's place in your hearts. Amen" (Living Bible)
What a tender verse with such great advice. The King James uses the word "idol" but the Living Bible really cuts to the heart. "ANYTHING THAT MIGHT TAKE GOD'S PLACE IN YOUR HEARTS"
A few words stand out here. The first one is "anything". Sometimes we think the obvious, we don't go to bars, we don't party whatever we may come up with. But, it can also be something like a TV program, a job, it is ANYTHING. That ought to cause us to make an appointment with the Holy Spirit and evaluate our lives carefully.
The next word is "might"- To me this means don't walk near the edge. When I think of a Biblical character that walked near the edge, I think of Lot. If you read his story, you will see that first he just gazed at Sodom, the grass was greener over there. The next thing you know, you read that he has pitched his tent "near" Sodom. Next, you will find him in Sodom and in a heap of trouble. Don't even take the time to gaze at something that has the ability to take God off the throne of your heart
Lastly, I look at the words "God's place"- You see, it is not a question of if God has a place in your heart as a believer, He makes it clear that He is to have first place. If you are a believer, make sure you are giving God the throne in your heart. If you are not a Christian then why not right now, ask God to take His rightful place. He does not rule with an iron fist, He just stands at the door waiting for you to open it. Your opportunity is now, you may not have tomorrow. Once you die it will be too late. You can make God the King of your heart and spend eternity with Him or you can allow satan to take the seat and you will pay the high cost of meeting up with him in hell for eternity.
Accept Christ as your Lord and Savior and then stay away from anything that might take Him off the throne of your heart.