I consider myself very blessed to have grown up singing the hymns. I am not sure why so many churches have abandoned these beautiful songs and the stories behind them- but I can still play them anytime thanks to CD's!
One beautiful song has a chorus that goes like this:
"Nothing between my soul and the Savior
So that His blessed face may be seen;
Nothing preventing the least of His favor
Keep the way clear...Let nothing between"
How beautiful is that!?!
Let's look at this line "So that His blessed face may be seen". As a child of God, I am aware and I hope you are too, that without the Holy Spirit residing in me, I have nothing to "show off". It is not my "blessed face" that needs to be seen. I am only a vessel and it is the light of Christ that is to radiate through me. That is one reason why it is vital that you and I have nothing between our soul and our Savior.
My purpose as a child of God, your job as a child of God is to shine! We are be illuminated with the salvation story, the love of Jesus Christ and the message that needs to get out across the world. There are many different ways of doing that. God has called some to be preachers, some teachers, some homemakers, some medical professionals and so on......but at the core it is always the same. We are to shine.
We know many things about the sun and the moon. I want to use them as examples of what I am saying here. The moon has no light of its own; it only reflects the light of the sun.
You probably have heard of a lunar eclipse. That is when the moon passes behind the earth. The earth blocks the sun rays from striking the moon. Basically, the earth gets in the way of the sun and the moon and the moon, having no light of its own, can't shine.
Wow, we can relate to this can't we? Jesus is the sun, (the bright light)...we are the moon (we have no light of our own)....the earth represents sin. When sin gets in our way of the sun (or the SON, Jesus Christ) we will no longer shine.
What are a few of the sins that crop of that cause blockage between us and the Light, our Savior?
1.) Pride
2.) Unforgiveness
3.) Activities that don't bring glory to God
4.) A loose tongue- (gossip, lying, slander etc)
5.) Submitting to temptation
6.) A lack of spending time with our Lord
These are just a few.....although when I think about it, I guess I would have to say the major problem that will block the light of Jesus Christ from shining through us is #6. - a lack of spending time with the Lord.
When we are spending time with the Lord we will find that the other problems will not so easily trip us up.
Just in case you've been hibernating- let me catch you up to date...we are living in a very dark world! The world just can't seem to get enough of the darkness. But, the problem is not just "in the world". The church has her own set of problems as many churches have forsaken their once strong stand for a "doctrine" that is not of God. If there was ever a time when we need to shine and reflect Jesus Christ it is now....we do not have time to waste.
Let's take a moment to spend with the Lord and ask Him to point out anything in our lives that is preventing our light to shine brightly. What a privilege we have been given to carry on the work the Christ left for us when He ascended to the Father. Let's be responsible in the work He has given us to do.
If you are reading this and you do not know the Jesus I speak of, please don't delay in inviting Him into your life. Click on my tab on having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. You will not regret this most important decision.