As we look around this world, we see some pretty scary things happening. Terrorism, threats of nuclear war, financial problems, etc. I recently read a Gallup pole that almost a majority of the people polled believe that the end of time will occur in their lifetime. We don't know when it will end, but the Bible promises that an end to time will come.
In light of all this- we would be so unwise to put off Jesus and not accept the gift He has given us.
Do you know that this very minute you could put to rest the state of your soul? Let me take a moment to share with you.
While this earthly body will some day be laid to rest in a grave, our soul will not be. Jesus clearly laid out this teaching throughout the Gospels. What will happen to our soul?
The Bible teaches in Romans 3:10 that we all have sinned-Keep in mind that God did not classify sins into "little sins" and "big sins"- This shows us that God does not categorize sin like we tend to do.
Romans 3:23- tells us that because of our sin we have fallen short of the glory of God. What does this mean? It means that because God is holy, sin cannot reside in presence of God. Therefore, that sin separates us from God. While we tend to measure ourselves up against another individual, God says that we can only measure up against His ruler. His ruler says we have fallen short
On to some good news- God has made a way to break down the sin barrier that separates us from Him
Romans 5: 8 says that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Isn't that just the most amazing thing! God doesn't say take a bath, clean up your act, then come to me. God took the initiative and instead said come to me dirty in your sins and I will cleanse you!
God sent Jesus to this world with a mission- After 3 years of ministering, Jesus was then crucified on a cross for our sins. His mission was to die so that we might live. That blood that flowed from Calvary flowed to cleanse us from our sins.
Romans 6:23-God clearly lays out only two options- 1)the wages of sin is death- not just a physical death but far more important a spiritual death- a death in an eternal place of torment, forever separated from God.
2)BUT, (don't you just love that word!!)the GIFT of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. God makes two strong statements in this second half of the verse. First, salvation is a gift. A gift is not earned, a gift is given and it is our responsibility to accept it or reject it. Secondly, this gift comes through Jesus Christ our Lord. Both sentences put to rest the idea that if we are good enough we will be ok and go to heaven. He says we cannot earn our way to heaven. Salvation is a gift, and that gift comes through Jesus Christ. That gift does not come from works or anything else we might conjure up.
How do we accept this gift?
Romans 10: 9-10 says that if we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God has raised Him from the dead, WE WILL BE SAVED
Have you been offered this gift? YES you have!!
Romans 10:13 says that WHOSOEVER shall call upon the name of the Lord, WILL be saved.
Our gracious Savior will not force Himself on anyone. But, He does tell us the consequences of rejecting Him. Those who will spend eternity in hell, a place of unending torment, will not be there because God sent them there. Rather they will be there because God honored their decision to reject Him.
Don't put it off 1 more minute- Pray right now and acknowledge to God that you have sinned and you are sorry, acknowledge that you are unable to save yourself and invite Him into your life to be your Lord and Saviour. Accept the free gift of salvation. This is security the believer has- no matter what will happen in this world- we may lose it all, but no one can take our salvation away from us- Jesus reminds us that "what does it prophet a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?"
If you just accepted Christ, please find a Bible believing church and tell the pastor, follow through with water baptism and begin your journey with the Lord- It'll be the best journey you've ever taken.