Wednesday, April 20, 2011

All Time Undisputed, Undefeated Champion of Love

We have all watched the NBA championships.....there is always a winner and a loser.  And while the sportscaster always interviews the champions first, sooner or later he makes his way over to the losers.  It's always the same thing....they congratulate the champion and then move on to what they could have done differently in order to have won the game.  They usually say something about "next year" or "next season".

In most situations this is how it goes.  There is almost always a "next time".  Shortly after the championships are over, you will read about some changes in the team, coaches, players, tactics, etc...getting ready for "next time".

Today I want us to take a look back resurrection morning and the victory that was accomplished  that day.  We have a Champion, the Lord Jesus Christ.  We also have a loser, our adversary, the devil.  I want to look at what the outcome of that morning meant for every believer.  I want us to look at what it meant for the loser, Satan.

What  the resurrection meant for the devil
1.)  His fate was sealed for good.  Satan will never get a second chance to tempt Jesus or overtake the authority of Jesus Christ.  The keys of death and hell .  Revelation 1:18 (KJV) "I am He that liveth, and was dead and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death"
2.) His powers were revealed for what they were- weak and substandard to the powers of the God Almighty!   Satan had given it all he had and perhaps he thought he was within close reach to the championship title! Yet, He could not keep Jesus down!  Resurrection morning showed different and forever Satan will claim the title of loser.
3.) While Satan and his demons were not annihilated, their authority has been greatly curbed- Colossians 2:15.
While he stands to accuse the saints, that is all he can do....accuse!  For the risen Christ is the Advocate for every saint!

  Zechariah 3:1-5 (KJV)  Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the Angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to oppose.  And the Lord said to Satan, "The Lord rebuke you, Satan!  The Lord who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you!  Is this not a brand plucked from the fire?  Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and standing before the Angel.  Then He answered and spoke to those who stood before Him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from him.  And to him He said, See I have removed your iniquity from you, and I will clothe you with rich robes.  And I said, Let them put a clean turban on his head, and they put clothes on him .  And the Angel of the Lord stood by.

What the resurrection means for the believer

We live defeated lives when we fail to recognize what the resurrection of Jesus Christ gained for us.  Heaven was gained but we must also recognize that the day to day victory while on this earth is something that is possible for us.

Because of the resurrection....
You have been
 Set free from sin and condemnation- Romans 8:1-2
Set free from Satan's control- Colossians 1:13
Set free from Satan's kingdom- Ephesians 2
 given the Holy Spirit- II Corinthians 1:22 given all things pertaining to life- II Peter 1:3
 given authority over the power of the enemy- Luke 10:19
 given access to God- Ephesians 1:8

You are:
Free forever from sin's power- Romans 6:14
Kept from falling- Jude 24
One with the Lord- I Corinthians 6:17
The head and not the tail- Deuteronomy 28:13
Hidden with Christ in God- Psalm 32:7
Protected from the evil one- I John 5:18
Kept by the power of God- I Peter 1:5
Secure in Christ- John 10:28-29
More than a conqueror- Romans 8:37

You have:
Access to the Father- Romans 5:2
A home in heaven- John 14:1-2Luke 10:19
All things in Christ- II Corinthians 5:17
A living hope- I Peter 1:3
A hope that is sure and steadfast- Hebrews 6:19
Authority to tread on serpents- Luke 10:19
Power to witness- Acts 1:8
Boldness and access- Hebrews 10:19
Peace with God- Romans 5:1

You can:
Do all things through Christ- Philippians 4:13
Find mercy and grace to help- Hebrews 4:16
Come boldly to the throne of grace- Hebrews 4:16
Quench all the firey darts of Satan- Ephesians 6:19
Tread on the serpent- Luke 10:19
Declare liberty to the captives- Isaiah 61:1
Overcome the enemy- Revelations 12:11
Tread Satan under foot- Romans 16:20

You cannot:
Be separated from God's love- Romans 8:35-39
Be charged or accused- Romans 8:33
Be condemned- I Corinthians 11:32

(This is such a partial list - there is so much more in the Bible I could include but didn't for the sake of time and space-  Get in your Bible and you will find so much more!!!)

Dear friend, do not live as though Jesus is still in that tomb!  He is alive and well and lives today to intercede for you!

Hebrews 12 2 says we can look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.  Two very important things to digest here.  He "sat down"- an obvious sign of finality, when Christ cried out "it is finished!" He wasn't kidding- -
" at the right hand of the throne of God."-  A place of  strength, power, importance and pre-eminence

If you know Christ as your Savior then dear child of God, live with the knowledge that you don't have to live in defeat.  Satan has already been defeated- don't let him tell you otherwise.

If you don't know Jesus, then you are currently defeated- and you do have reason for grave concern- for you currently do not have the benefits of the resurrected Christ available to you.  Please go to my tab in this blog on how to have a personal relationship with God.  He loves you, Christ died and rose again for you!  You can change your eternal address from hell to heaven the very moment you accept Him into your life and ask Him to be your Savior!

There is no other "god"!  No other "god" has died and rose again and no other "god" can forgive your sins and offer you the hope that Jesus Christ offers you.  It is hope for today and hope for eternity!

If you accept Christ, let me know!  I would love to send you materials, even a Bible to help you get started on your walk with the Lord- no charge to highest privilege to send it to you!!
He is Risen!   To God be the glory!