I want to challenge you today with something that I started over 25 years ago. When you arise in the morning start your day by giving yourself a funeral! Yep, you heard it right! Now, I have to tell you, you might have to do it several times, I have found I am rather good at resurrecting myself. But that's ok, God's not finished with me yet.
Sometime in the shower or in the bed or as I'm doing my hair I pray something like this.
Lord, today I die to self and ask You to make me alive in You!
I put my mind and its fleshly thoughts to death- fill me with God thoughts
I put my eyes and what earthly things they would gaze upon to death - give me a Godly vision
I put my ears and the worldly advice and temptations of the devil they would hear to death- Allow me to hear what is only coming from You
I put to death my tongue and the ungodly words that may be uttered to death- May my speech be healing and loving and be quick to share Jesus instead of gossip, blessing instead of cursing
I put to death my hands and the grasp they might desire to place on temporal materials- May I grasp only for the prize of the high calling
I put to death my feet and the paths they may be quick to trod upon- Lead me in paths of righteousness.
It helps- trust me. Even if you have to do it a 100 times a day. The Holy Spirit will speak to you as you try to resurrect yourself- you will hear those warnings. It helps to go step by step.
Do this my friend
When you die to self it is truly then that you can REST IN PEACE!
To God be the glory