Monday, October 24, 2011

What does God think of you?

This is a question that undoubtedly comes to our mind often.  Why?  Because either our flesh will be tempted to think of this or Satan will tempt you to ponder this.  Our flesh can't fully comprehend the love God has for us or exactly what He thinks of us. We can only comprehend love as we love- which is so often conditional.  Satan certainly will lie to us and tell us that God doesn't love us or that He looks down on us with disgust.  If Satan is successful at getting us to buy into this lie then he is in a pretty great position for a victory in our lives.  If we misunderstand how God sees us- our life and our service to God will reflect that misunderstanding and we will limit ourselves.

The other day I was driving down the road listening to the radio when I heard this verse and it spoke to me so deeply that I want to share it with you and talk about it a little.

Zephaniah 3:17- The Lord your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.(NKJV)

Isn't this beautiful?!  He is YOUR God and He is in YOUR midst.  He is mighty to save!  He rejoices over us and He quiets us with His love and His singing.

If you have accepted Christ into your heart- then this verse is for you to claim.  When I read this verse I think of how a parent will calm an infant- in his arms quieting that little infant with love and often with singing.

God is our Heavenly Papa- "Abba Father"  He longs to take us in His arms- in the midst of our anxiety, in the midst of our pain-  He longs to rock us in His arms and quiet our storms with His love and rejoice over us with His singing.

There are times in my life when things have been so crazy and I have been at a loss for what to do or how to fix a problem- I have crawled into my bed and just pictured myself in the arms of my Heavenly Father- picturing Him rocking me to sleep, holding me close to His breast.

We serve an awesome God!  But the God that spoke this world into creation and breathed life into our clay bodies is the same God that calls Himself "Abba Father"  The most tender of words for a father.

Are you walking around today thinking that God doesn't care about you or that He is angry with you. Are you buying the lie of the father of lies who is whispering in your ear that God doesn't really care about you- after have blown it,,,,,yet again!

Oh no, child of God!  He is YOUR God and He is in YOUR midst rejoicing over you!!

Thank Him and give Him the glory for the great things He has done!