Gloves are an important part of my job. There are too many diseases out there that we know are spread through the blood.....who knows how many more we may learn of before I retire! Therefore, before I draw blood, before I place an IV in someone, before I change a dressing, I am putting on my gloves!
However, there is one place that involves blood where I don't need gloves. In fact, it is a place where I must come bare. That place is the fountain of the cleansing blood of Jesus. It is there I can come transparent, I MUST come transparent and I need not be fearful. This blood is cleansing and healing.
Blood is life giving, it is energy giving. I don't know how many times I have given someone a blood transfusion and after it is through they talk of how much better they feel, how they have more energy! Where once they felt drained, they now feel alive. How true, the life of the flesh is in the blood. (Leviticus 17:14) Yet a blood transfusion is not without risk. We are required to present those risks to the patient for these risks come with life long consequences (AIDS, hepatitis) Yet, when a patient is confronted with life and death and a blood transfusion will give life, the patient will choose life and be willing to take the risk.
The blood of Jesus is life is ETERNAL LIFE giving. It also provides strength to the weary sojourner, feeling beat up by what this world has to offer. There is risk involved, there are lifelong consequences. It is the risk of the Lord cleansing you in His blood and then molding you and making you to what HE wants you to be....this never comes without some pain involved. It is the risk of being sent out by the Lord to do a work that you've never done open your mouth and proclaim the Gospel where once you would have remained quiet....there's the risk of being rejected by this world, even the risk of death because you make a decision to take up your cross and follow the One, the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave it all for you.
Yet, hopefully we are like that patient... drained and in need of life giving blood.... faced with the choice of life and death, may we accept the risks and choose life. Plunge into the life giving fountain filled with blood and be cleansed and be refreshed.
IT IS STILL THE BLOOD. Oh precious is the flow, that makes me white as snow, no other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus!
Do you know Him as your Lord and Savior? Do not wait another moment. In prayer receive Him into your life, ask Him to forgive you of all your sin and invite Him in. Begin to live each day walking and talking with Him.
Maybe you know Him but you are've been living with 1 foot in the Word and 1 foot in the world and it just isn't working for you....plunge yourself in the cleansing, healing fountain and rise up renewed and refreshed. Allow Him to lead you and don't live to please God and the world. We only have one Master and the Bible is clear that no man can serve 2 masters! (Matthew 6)
Whatever is your need, He stands ready to meet you right where you are at! IT'S STILL THE BLOOD!