There is a lot of chatter these days about "end times" - and well there should be. It doesn't take a doctorate in Theology to see that what we read in today's newspaper we actually read in yesterday's Bible study. The Bible has CNN and Fox beat by a landslide when it comes to keeping us up to date with that is going on in the world!
I wake up every morning with the thought of "just may be the day Jesus returns" I go to bed each night wondering if I will wake up to being caught up!
As in every situation there are two extremes and unfortunately we, and especially those who can't quote one verse from the Bible but talk like experts, like to focus on the extremes.
The one extreme is the group that has laid out the exact date of the return of Christ. The moment you do that you immediately disqualify yourself from being of sound doctrine for the Bible is clear that NO MAN knows the date nor the hour that the Lord will return.
The second extreme is the crowd that accuses Christians of trying to evoke fear in people by talking about current events and how they relate to the prophecies in the Bible. They laugh at us, (or actually, God) and think we are crazy.
So, if I may, I would like to share my heart with you.....hoping perhaps you will open your heart to the gift God has for you and you will comprehend even just a tad of the immense love He has for you.
I remember when it came time for my now husband and I to send out wedding invitations. What an exciting time. I carefully handpicked the invitations and put much thought and care to how I wanted the invitation to read. I picked the font and the style....everything about it had the fingerprints of my husband and me all over it!
We stayed up until 4am in the morning sitting at a table, carefully addressing each invitation. As we wrote out each address, we often thought back on a story about our friendship with that person or something we really loved about that person we were inviting.
Our invitations had only one stipulation. It wasn't that you had to dress a certain way, or even bring us a gift! We sent out invitations to folks because we wanted them there to share this special day with us.These people were very dear to us and we wanted them with us, celebrating with us. At the end of the invitation we just asked that you RSVP.
In my box (or boxes) of treasures- things I plan to keep forever, you would find every RSVP sent back to us. They are special to me- We so love those who responded to the invitation, essentially saying "I want to spend that day with you, celebrating with you"
When sin entered into the world, God devised a way to reconcile man to God. He carefully planned every detail. Just as my husband and I did not pass off the duty of writing of invitations to anyone else, so God did not leave the plan of salvation in the hands of anyone else. You are that important to Him! The invitation was sent out by way of a cross- and it was His Son, Jesus, who hung upon that cross.
There are no strings attached with this invitation. It was sent out for one purpose. God does not desire to spend eternity without you. The only stipulation is that you must RSVP. This is done by asking God to forgive you for your wrong doings (be they "big" or "small" in your eyes) and placing your faith in Jesus Christ, inviting Him into your life to be your Lord and Savior.
There were people who did not respond to the wedding invitation we sent them. They didn't say they were coming- they didn't say they weren't. Perhaps they just didn't get around to it and the day came upon them and it was too late. Perhaps they didn't care anything about spending Saturday, March 1, 2008 at our wedding ceremony. Whatever the case, they didn't show and we didn't force those we invited to come- so we certainly honored their response- even if it was no response. God will do the same. He will honor your decision- eternity with Him - should you accept the invitation- eternity without Him should you decline.
I am not trying to evoke any fear in anyone when I say that those who reject Christ will spend eternity in a place the Bible refers to as hell. I am simply giving you the only two options every human being has been given- I don't work on commission when it comes to my serving the Lord. I have no agenda other than my desire to keep you as far away from hell as I possibly can. I will go to heaven whether you accept Christ or reject Him. I share the Gospel because it is the "Good News"- that is what the word means! And what good news it is- you and I can be forgiven of our sins and never face condemnation from God. We can walk in freedom on this earth, unshaken by the events that surround us. We can face death without fear- for death will just be our transport home to be with our Heavenly Father.
Precious one- please don't delay your response. Don't be the one who is thinking about it, planning on getting around to it, or waiting to see how the whole thing plays out before you make your decision. The Bible describes the Lord's return as "in the twinkling of an eye"-
There's alot of talk today about a wedding- it is taking in place in a month or so. It is the wedding of one day King, William and Kate. Every day we are fed information about what the wedding party is wearing, who is invited, who is not invited, for $9.95 + shipping and handling I can get a cup or a spoon or a pen or a t-shirt with their picture on it! It's kind of overkill and makes me want to say TMI! (too much information!)
However, what if, just think, if you went to your mailbox today and in it you found a wedding invitation from Prince William and Kate, YOU invited to the wedding of the one day King!!
I got one better for ya- you have already received an invitation to THE KING, the KING OF KINGS! WOW, please RSVP today!
Let me know of your decision
To God be the glory