My jaw hit the floor last night as I decided to check my email one more time before going to bed! Was it true Osama Bin Laden dead? I had a few reactions. 1.) I am so grateful for our military! I can't imagine being on a mission to capture the most wanted man in America! My deepest respect goes to those men and women throughout history have fought and in great number gave the ultimate in order for me to enjoy the freedom that I enjoy 24/7. My heart goes out to their families as they wait with anticipation for their beloved soldier to come home. 2.) Osama Bin Laden is just beginning an eternity that is more horrific than we can even begin to imagine. How am I supposed to feel?
As I was thinking about that, I knew in my heart that Jesus died for Osama Bin Laden! I also know that God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked! That's straight from the Word of God. Ezekiel 18:23,32
23Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord GOD: and not that he should return from his ways, and live?
For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord GOD: wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye.
How overwhelming is the grace of God? That Osama bin Laden was loved by Jesus. Just ponder that for a moment! I still can't wrap my mind around it.
Can I be happy that Osama is dead? Well, I don't think the Bible condemns capital punishment and certainly the mass murderer Osama is deserving of such a punishment because of his horrific trail of terror. I also don't think that the Bible speaks out against war and certainly if there is ever a reason to wage war, it was after 9/11/2001!
Do I rejoice over the fact that Obama is now facing an eternity separated from God and will endure endless torture in the lake of fire? No! I can't! I no more deserve heaven than Osama! I don't like to think that- but it is Truth. The Bible says all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. That word "all" pretty much says it ALL!
So then my attention went to the speech the President gave, announcing Osama's death. He said something that caught my attention and prompted me to write this blog entry.
President Obama reminded us that just because Osama is dead, the war on terror does not stop. Yes, we took out the leader and mastermind of it all, but we will see another rise up at some point to "carry the torch" and continue the legacy of Osama. Therefore, we must not be careless or drop our guard.
Immediately I thought about the strategy of Satan and our spiritual battle with the prince of darkness. You see, we can become careless in our spiritual lives. We may think we have put to death some particular sin and now we are OK- but Satan never quits fighting us. Just when we think we are free from the bondage of one sin, if we aren't careful, we will become entangled in another sin.
We must never let down our guard with the devil. He is a mastermind even exceeding the expert on terror, Osama. The Bible calls us to get dressed in our spiritual armor and be ready at all times to resist and flee from sin.
The Navy seals carried out a very well planned strategy. Why? This was their chance, a chance that, if botched, may not come again for a long time. They were not careless, they were not unorganized. Rather they followed the instruction given to them by our military experts. They were ready!
That is how we must be in our battle with Satan and in the war with our flesh. We must not be careless, but rather follow the instruction of our expert, the Captain of our army, Jesus Christ. What do you think would have happened if a navy seal got ready to carry out his assignment, to kill or capture Osama, then all of a sudden he thought he would do it his way? No! our men came out alive and uninjured because they took their mission seriously and they obeyed the higher ups who have the careful instruction.
We must take our war with the devil and our flesh seriously. Equally important, we must take our Christian walk seriously. We must be willing to submit to the One who was tempted in all ways, like us, yet was without sin. We must obey the orders of our Master. When we choose to do it God's way, we will always come out ahead......but the opposite is true also. If we fail to do it God's way and choose to act independently, we open ourselves up to the wounds the enemy will inflict upon our soul.
Osama had up to his last breath to repent and accept Christ. From all we see, he chose a different road. He now faces the consequences of his decision.
Thank you once again, every soldier, past or present for all you have done for me and every American. May God bless you and your family and protect you from harm. I pray for you and I love you and appreciate every one of you!
Thank you Jesus for your mercy and grace. Please bless our soldiers and protect them. Thank you for allowing me to be born in the United States.