Now if you were to ask the crowds these days who Jesus was...well you would probably hear something like "He was a religious figure" among many other answers I'm sure.
Interestingly enough, I don't believe for one second that Jesus would have called himself a "religious figure". Jesus was not into religion. However, He was all about relationships.
There are no Baptist or Catholic or Methodist or Lutheran or Presbyterian folks in heaven. Oh, they may have defined themselves as that while they were on the earth.....but they won't carry that title with them to heaven. Unfortunately heaven AND HELL will be populated with "religious folk" What do I mean by that? Well people would call me "religious" but I am well aware that my "religion" will not get me to heaven. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. That is what will transport me to heaven one day when I die, or when the Lord returns. On the other hand, you have folks who call themselves "religious", but have never accepted Jesus as their Savior and invited them into their lives. They are trusting their "religion" to get them to heaven. While in reality, their "religion" will be their transportation to hell one day.
Hopefully by now, you see the necessity of understanding the difference between the two and how important it is to take a moment and evaluate our own lives to see which category we fall into.
God, all throughout the Bible has initiated a relationship with us. Let's look at what He has done in attempts to initiate a personal relationship with us. I am not going go through every example, but I do want to hit the ones that stand out to me.
1.) He created us in His image- Contrary to evolutionist teachings, it is God who created us and created us in His image.(Genesis 1:27) He desired fellowship with us. After creating Adam, He walked and talked with him in the garden and they had fellowship with each other. (Genesis 3:8)
2.) He has made Himself the source for our every need.- Throughout Scripture, both Old and New Testament, God is either meeting our needs or encouraging us to come to Him and make our needs known to Him and He meets them. (Nehemiah 9:21- Philippians 4:19)
3.) He made a way for us to be made right with Him by sending His Son to die for us. When we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, we are then brought back into a right relationship with God.- (Romans 5:1)
4.) God uses very intimate terminology in describing the relationship we are to have with Him and His Son. It's terms that we understand and we can relate to
He is
Our Friend- A friendship is defined by loyalty, reliability and love. - (John 15:15)
Our Shepherd- A Shepherd protects his sheep. A shepherd will kill predators such as a lion or a bear if they are endangering his sheep. (John 10:11, Psalm 23)
Like a Mother in His concern for us- He says-"Can a mother forget the baby she gave birth to?"-(Isaiah 49:15)
A Gardener- He tends to our lives lovingly and with great care as a gardener would tend to his garden-(John 15:1-2)
Our Bridegroom- God created marriage to be forever. The unconditional love and partnership in marriage and the sacredness of the vows in that relationship is the same thing that God offers to us- (Matthew 25:13)
A Father- The most endearing term. If you want to better understand the type of Father that God is to us, read the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-33) This is a story about Father God and His child that returns to Him.
You can't converse with religion. It is a monologue. God desires a dialogue. "Come now and let us reason together saith the Lord"- (Isaiah 1:18)
Religion changes- Just look at the sects within the same denomination! All because someone has changed their teaching or their doctrine! God is the same, yesterday, today and forever!- (Hebrews 13:8)
Religion can't forgive you- It is not a person with feelings or emotions.
God forgives- I John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Religion brings guilt- Religion is rules
God is relationship and He brings life and freedom-(John 8:36)
Religion is striving- ever striving to live up to the rules of that particular religion...
A relationship with God is resting- Understanding that God sent His Son. He is the gift of salvation. It is not something we strive for, rather, it is a gift we freely accept.- (Romans 6:23)
When we have a true relationship with God, our whole outlook will change. It may be immediate, or may be over time but rest assured our outlook does change.
We find that we enjoy spending time with God. It is not a duty but rather a delight.
It is not out of fear, but rather a craving that keep bringing us back for more.
Tithing (giving 10% of our income to God) is no longer something we do with dread. It becomes easy to give back to God just a morsel in comparison to all He has given us.
Sharing Jesus with others begins to feel natural.
We experience peace. We know that the work God does in our hearts will change us from the inside out. Religion tries to change from the outside in- which never brings forth true change.
The Holy Spirit will work in our lives.....growing us..... and His fruit will manifest itself in our lives.
(Galatians 5:22-23)
When we have a relationship with God, we will WANT to obey God- understanding that He has set up guidelines for our good. True relationships have no desire to hurt the one with whom they have a relationship.
I so desire to get to know better and better and draw closer and closer to the One with whom I will spend eternity! I hope you have that same craving! I pray that you do!
I read this little chart on the difference between religion and a true relationship with God. I want to share some of it with you.
Religion says salvation is something I must "do"
Relationship says salvation is something only God can do
Religion is summed up in one word "do"
Relationship is summed up in one word- "Done"
Those with "religion" are busy working in order to be saved
Those in a true relationship with God are "resting" upon the finished work of Jesus Christ
Religion is "trying"-
Relationship is "trusting"
Religious people are hoping to save themselves
Those in a relationship with God understand their hopelessness and God's ability to save the hopeless
Religion is man trying to bring himself to God
Relationship is Christ bringing us to God
Religion is man trusting his own good works
Relationship is man trusting the work which Christ did on the cross
Religion is ritual
Relationship is real
Do you have religion or a relationship with God? Oh how God desires a relationship with us.....more than we can ever realize. He wants to be our BFF! (I think that's "best friend forever" for all those texting folks!).
Don't rob yourself by getting caught up in religion in rules. Enjoy life and life abundant which is available to those who have a relationship with God.- (John 10:10)
To God be the glory