Thursday, December 16, 2010


If you are a woman, you know about cravings!  Women seem to "crave" more than men.  Or perhaps, we are just more open about our cravings.  Whatever the case, what are you craving today?

Common cravings are: ice, cream, chocolate, sweets of any sort.  How about Jesus?  Do you crave Jesus?

When we crave chocolate or ice cream, etc, we may actually find ourselves driving to the store to get it, in order to satisfy that craving.  I must admit, I have gone out in traffic or a little out of my way to go to a certain restaurant or store to get  what I was craving.

The thing that we should crave the most is a deeper more intimate relationship with Jesus.  That is a craving that will not cost us money, or cause us to get in our car and go to the store.  However, it is a craving that will cost us our will cost us our lives!

Jesus wants our lives!  Not in order that He can take from us but rather that He can give to us!  Jesus always gives back more than we give Him.  He is looking for a willing and surrendered heart.

When we crave chocolate, we often find ourselves feeling worse after we satisfy the craving.  We look at the calories or fat grams listed on the wrapper.  We look in the mirror and already can imagine  exactly where those fat grams are gonna go!  We end up feeling worse after satisfying the craving!! (AT LEAST I DO!)

Not so with Jesus, we will never fully satisfy that craving for more of Him in our lives, but one thing for sure, we will never feel worse after ingesting His Word and His presence....we will only feel better.

Are you craving Jesus?  Great, just go to your Bible, take some time to soak up what He wants to say to you today......and keep coming back.......never be satisfied.........He is the greatest and He wants to speak to the needs of your heart

See you later