Monday, October 24, 2011

What does God think of you?

This is a question that undoubtedly comes to our mind often.  Why?  Because either our flesh will be tempted to think of this or Satan will tempt you to ponder this.  Our flesh can't fully comprehend the love God has for us or exactly what He thinks of us. We can only comprehend love as we love- which is so often conditional.  Satan certainly will lie to us and tell us that God doesn't love us or that He looks down on us with disgust.  If Satan is successful at getting us to buy into this lie then he is in a pretty great position for a victory in our lives.  If we misunderstand how God sees us- our life and our service to God will reflect that misunderstanding and we will limit ourselves.

The other day I was driving down the road listening to the radio when I heard this verse and it spoke to me so deeply that I want to share it with you and talk about it a little.

Zephaniah 3:17- The Lord your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.(NKJV)

Isn't this beautiful?!  He is YOUR God and He is in YOUR midst.  He is mighty to save!  He rejoices over us and He quiets us with His love and His singing.

If you have accepted Christ into your heart- then this verse is for you to claim.  When I read this verse I think of how a parent will calm an infant- in his arms quieting that little infant with love and often with singing.

God is our Heavenly Papa- "Abba Father"  He longs to take us in His arms- in the midst of our anxiety, in the midst of our pain-  He longs to rock us in His arms and quiet our storms with His love and rejoice over us with His singing.

There are times in my life when things have been so crazy and I have been at a loss for what to do or how to fix a problem- I have crawled into my bed and just pictured myself in the arms of my Heavenly Father- picturing Him rocking me to sleep, holding me close to His breast.

We serve an awesome God!  But the God that spoke this world into creation and breathed life into our clay bodies is the same God that calls Himself "Abba Father"  The most tender of words for a father.

Are you walking around today thinking that God doesn't care about you or that He is angry with you. Are you buying the lie of the father of lies who is whispering in your ear that God doesn't really care about you- after have blown it,,,,,yet again!

Oh no, child of God!  He is YOUR God and He is in YOUR midst rejoicing over you!!

Thank Him and give Him the glory for the great things He has done!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Stay in the Word

Hey, I will be back soon- a little vacation!  I hope all my blog readers are doing well and staying in the Word!!
Our world is a mess and our only hope and safety is found in the secret place of the Most High abiding under the shadow of the Almighty!!

Don't walk in the counsel of the ungodly
'Don't stand in the way of sinners
Don't sit in the seat of the scornful
Let your delight be in the Law of the Lord
And meditate on it day and night
Then you shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth his fruit in his season
Your leaf will not whither and whatsoever you do shall prosper!!

Submit your life to the One who makes no mistakes and who has your best interest in mind.

Talk to you soon!

Monday, September 19, 2011

The God of All Comfort!!

I just want to brag on my Heavenly Father today.  I hope you know Him and will brag on Him today too!!  Don't miss out on noticing His intervention, His comfort in your life on a moment by moment basis!

This has been quite a weekend for my husband and me.  Actually it was quite a week!  I am in the process of having some fairly major dental work.  It is causing me an enormous amount of pain.  My body totally rejects pain medicine.  Even 1/2 a tablet of something will send me vomiting for an entire day.  I must therefore endure the pain, but at times the pain also makes me vomit.  Last Wednesday we started the process that will last over the next 2 months.....ouch!

Toward the end of the week we realized, as you may have read in my previous entry, we had to have our cat put to sleep.  We did this Saturday morning.  It was so painful for us.  We held him as the doctor gave him the medicine.  I am so thankful that the last words he heard were from our lips thanking him for the joy he has brought us and the love we have for him.  It was peaceful for him.  I am still hurting as I will start to look for him or think about feeding him and he is not there, he is not coming back.  It makes me cry even as I write this.  My husband has had this cat for 15 1/2 years.  My husband didn't ask for him.  One rainy night he appeared at my husbands apartment door, scratching at the door.  My husband lived on the second floor.  This cat climbed the stairs and walked around the corner choosing my husband's door to scratch on.  My husband tells of how he was so filthy dirty that you would have never guessed he was a snow white cat.  That cat was a gift from God to my husband as evidenced by a story that only he can tell- so you just have to trust me.  But his mission came to an end on Saturday.  I don't know if animals go to heaven but I wouldn't be surprised to see him up there one day!

Our weekend ended with a scare.  In our bedroom I have a metal and crystal ball that holds a tea light.  It hangs from our ceiling. I often put a small tea light in there in the evening and leave it burning in there as I do other things around the house.  Last night I had put a candle in there and was in the bedroom talking with my husband.  About 10-15 minutes after I lit the candle the thing somehow caught fire.  Our backs were to all that was going on and so we didn't see it at first.  All of a sudden I turned around and flames were flying from this thing.  I was speechless, all I could say was baby, baby baby or something like that.  My husband so calmly took care of it.  We sat there amazed at how this thing could possibly catch fire.  I have been burning a tea light in that thing for around 2 1/2 years now. Since we often light it and then do something else downstairs or in another room, we were so thankful that we were in the room when this happened.  It could have brought a lot of damage to our place.

I will end on a funny note.  My husband has this pair of jean shorts that are relatively new.  He accidentally had a pen in the side pocket not that long ago and it left a huge blue ink blot.  A few weeks have passed since that ink stain and I think we had just decided that those jean shorts would now be the shorts you wear around the house only.  I have been on the look out for a new pair like those but had not yet found a pair.

Last night my husband was doing some laundry and he came up stairs and said "Am I missing something?"  I didn't get it....he said "the ink's gone!"  I looked up and down those shorts looking for even a hint of the ink stain, yet no where to be found!  Since when has  that ever happened?  This was not ink from a small pen, this was ink  from more like a gel ink pen, not a ball point pen!

Well, why do I share all this with you?  I want you to know that we have a God of all comfort.  God is in it all.  Have you ever had a problem with a company and tried to reach the manager or owner of that company?Good Luck!  You have to go through hoops and tell your story to other folks hoping they will relay your story to the boss who hopefully will call you back.  Yet, so often, that phone call never comes.  After all, the "big guy" of the company has much more important things to deal with than your "little problems"

NOT SO WITH GOD!  Everything I shared with you in these stories are relatively small problems in comparison to all that God has to deal with in this world.  Let's face it, just read the front page of the newspaper and you will see that a dental surgery, the death of a cat, and an ink stain just wouldn't make it to the front page.  Yet God was there for it all!

God was concerned about my dental pain and He was there to help me cope and eventually heal that horrible pain.

God was there in the vet's office as our hearts broke. I could sense God's arms around me.  It was as if God was sad about our sick cat.  He gave us peace as we gave Donipon peace, an end to his suffering.  I know God saw every tear that fell.  I know, just as His Word says, He caught each tear and placed them in His bottle.
 Psalm 56:8. 
 "Thou tellest my wanderings: put Thou my tears into Thy bottle:  Are they not in Thy Book."
 My tears matter to God....Your tears matter to God!

God protected our bedroom from a fire Sunday evening by keeping us in the bedroom which allowed us to quickly intervene and put the fire out.

Then there's the jean shorts.  This cheap pair of jean shorts with an ink stain- without any effort of our own, God removed the stain.

This past weekend God has brought to my attention to His ability to completely remove stains.  My husband and I were talking a little about this.  The first was with our cat.  This cat that arrived at Jim's door was filthy and as my husband tells the story, he stunk to high heaven!  My husband bathed him only to find hiding under this dirty dirty cat was fur as white as snow!  It's what God does with us.  Just as Doniphon (our cat) could not bathe himself and make himself clean, so we cannot make ourselves clean.  Doniphon needed my husband to bathe him.  We need God to bathe us.  My husband tells how Doniphon hated this bath!  He was yelling loudly as the water ran over him.( It was so loud that my husband let his neighbors know that no one was getting hurt, he was just bathing the cat!) Yet, if my husband was going to welcome this stray dirty stinky cat into his home, the cat had to get the bath!

So it is with us.  We don't always like a "bath" from God.  It can be painful and we may fight it, just as our cat did. But if we want to be welcomed into God's family, we have to allow God to bathe us.  God says he can take our dirty, stinky lives and make us white as snow.....just like our cat.
   Isaiah 1:18- "Come now and let us reason together saith the Lord, though your sins be as scarlet, they can be as white as snow. Though they be red like crimson, they can be as wool."

The other reminder of our Heavenly Father and His ability to remove stains was with the shorts and the ink stain.  We thought the shorts were doomed to the "around the house" shorts.  Certainly he couldn't wear them out in public.  The stain was big and noticeable.  We didn't even make any extra effort to remove the stain.  We had just given up as far as the shorts being very useful. They were to be just another piece of laundry to be washed.  Yet, the stain was removed- not by our own efforts!

Isn't that our lives at times?  We see the stain on our lives as permanent.  Oh we may be good for "around the house" things- but the stain is too big to be used of God in any "big ways".  We give up and just accept the stain.

NOT GOD!  God can take what we call a "permanent" stain and completely remove it.  He can use us in great and mighty ways.  But it has to be God who removes the stain.  Any effort on our part will prove futile.

God....Yes God, He is the God of all comfort and He is involved in every area in the lives of His children.  Yes, the God who hangs the stars out, who causes the sun to rise and set, He who tells the oceans they can only come so far, the One who keeps this ball called earth rotating on its axis from the beginning of time is also the God who cares about dental pain, death of our animals and even stains in a cheap pair of shorts.  The same God who feeds the sparrows and clothes the lilies of the field is crazy about you and me.  I'm so glad, aren't you!?

To God be the glory!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

To everything there is a season- Good bye my precious friend

I never had cats growing up.  However, I did have dogs.  Therefore, I kinda became a "dog person".  Then I met my husband.  Our marriage brought 3 little boys into the family.....2 little black cats and 1 little white cat.  I instantly fell in love with them and they have done a good job at trying to get to know their "mommy" and tolerating her "dog ways".

Approximately 1 year after my husband and I got married, we learned that our white cat had cancer.  For the last 2 years we have given him chemotherapy and he has done so well.  He gained back his weight.  His coat, once again, looked snow white and he did not suffer any side effects from the chemo.....just as the vet told us.

The last 11/2 months we have seen him go downhill.  We think his cancer has spread.  Because of his age we have opted not to put him through any thing that would just cause him discomfort and really not help him.  He has lost a lot of weight.  It has been within the last 24 hours that we have realized that we have to face what we did not want to face.....having him put to sleep.

If you read this, please say a prayer for us.  Both of us are animal lovers, and we are losing a part of our family.

We are thankful for all the memories we have and all the love we have received from him and been able to give him.  He has been a gift from God and a blessing.

Thank you precious Doniphon.....thanks for all the times you put up with mommy and thanks for so easily adapting (as all of you did) to a cat/dog family!  Thank you for the joy you have brought us.  We are never going to forget you.  I know that there will be a void in the lives of your sisters Ash and Brit and your brothers Cor and Effie.

Yes, life goes on.....but the void will always be there.  A void that only Doniphon can fill.

I love you precious baby Doni.......I always will

Sunday, September 11, 2011

"Thank you"- Looking back on September 11,2001

It was just another morning.....getting ready for work, getting kids ready for school, thinking through the day that lay before us....

Moments later America was forever changed.  Lives lost, "good bye's" that never got said, suddenly people were more important than things and prayer was a priority in our lives as we fell to our knees asking for miracles, asking for strength, comfort and peace....but most of all asking "why?"

To the thousands who lost their lives that day, I never knew you yet I have never forgotten you.  I often reflect back wondering what your last moments were like, wondering about who you were and what your day was supposed to be like.

To the families of those who lost their lives, I often think of you and offer up a prayer for you.  I wonder how you are doing 10 years later.  I think of the children who lost a mom or dad that day and how you have carried on in spite of the tragedy.  I pray for all of you, that God has been your refuge, a very present help in time of trouble.

To the first responders- the police, the firefighters and the EMT's.  Thank you!  You are still my hereos.  Many of your co-workers died that day as they tried to rescue those trapped.  Yet, you had to carry on, and I realize you all faced the possibility of your own death as you bravely worked looking for just one more survivor.

To Mayor Rudy Guliani I thank you.  The task that you had in front of you was enormous and you did not back down.  You were a rock for New York City during those following days and months- you showed leadership and courage.

To President Bush and Mrs Bush- Thank you.  With just a few months under your belt as leader of the greatest nation in the world, you were faced with making some difficult decisions and shouldering the weight of a nation's fears and sorrow.  You are to be commended for your leadership and your love and compassion in the days and months that followed.  Mrs. Bush, what a comfort you were to the children as you so lovingly and calmly visited and loved on them.  You are a true lady, full of grace and beauty.

To every hospital worker, and the Red Cross and all the organizations that jumped to their feet to assist in any way you could, thank you!  I am in the medical profession.  I know the mode we go into when we are called to respond.  For the overtime, the missed breaks and lunches and hard work- thank you

To every church and pastor who opened their doors for those who needed comfort, had questions or just wanted to quietly kneel and pray- thank you.  Thank you for taking time to share Jesus with those who were looking for Him that day and in the days to follow.  Thank you for giving the greatest gift one could gift- the gift of sharing Jesus.

To every person in TV and journalism who found themselves thrust into a never ending story- thanks for the long hours worked and for putting yourself in the midst of the rubble in order that we might see what was going on and be able to "love" those folks from afar as we watched it unfold on TV or listened on the radio or read in the papers.

To every soldier who prepared themselves for what was to follow and for every man or woman who enlisted in the military at that time in order to hunt down the horrible terrorist that did this. THANK YOU!  Thank you for giving yourselves and putting yourself into harms way  to defend the freedom we enjoy.  Thank you to every family of a soldier who said good bye to your loved one not knowing if you would ever see them again. Many of you have not as your loved one paid the ultimate price for freedom.

To every American- what a day September 11,2001 was!  It was a day that will forever be engraved in our memories and as we know....America was forever changed.  It was a day that Americans came together, united.  We hugged each other, supported one another, prayed for one another and gave of our time and our energy to help folks we didn't even know.  At that time, people became more important than our things, prayer became a priority and suddenly we understood (sadly it didn't seem to last) that God is in control and He deserves all respect and honor and He is the Authority.  As horrible as that day was- it did bring about some good in Americans.

To God be the glory.   I love you Heavenly Father!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Give Yourself A Funeral

I want to challenge you today with something that I started over 25 years ago.  When you arise in the morning start your day by giving yourself a funeral!  Yep, you heard it right!  Now, I have to tell you, you might have to do it several times, I have found I am rather good at resurrecting myself.  But that's ok, God's not finished with me yet.

Sometime in the shower or in the bed or as I'm doing my hair I pray something like this.

Lord, today I die to self and ask You to make me alive in You!
I put my mind and its fleshly thoughts to death- fill me with God thoughts
I put my eyes and what earthly things they would gaze upon to death - give me a Godly vision
I put my ears and the worldly advice and temptations of the devil they would hear to death- Allow me to hear what is only coming from You
I put to death my tongue and the ungodly words that may be uttered to death- May my speech be healing and loving and be quick to share Jesus instead of gossip, blessing instead of cursing
I put to death my hands and the grasp they might desire to place on temporal materials- May I grasp only for the prize of the high calling
I put to death my feet and the paths they may be quick to trod upon- Lead me in paths of righteousness.

It helps- trust me.  Even if you have to do it a 100 times a day.  The Holy Spirit will speak to you as you try to resurrect yourself- you will hear those warnings.  It helps to go step by step.

Do this my friend
When you die to self it is truly then that you can REST IN PEACE!

To God be the glory

Monday, September 5, 2011

Mayor Bloomberg: Was God too busy?

Mayor Bloomberg:  How tragic to read about your decision to exclude prayer from the 9/11 memorial ceremony.  I read that your reason is "the memorial schedule is too busy to allow prayer."

As I sit here at my desk, my mind wanders back to September 11,2001.  I was not far away from that site.  I was actually asleep at the time.  Having spent many hours working (as a RN), I was resting comfortably in my bed.  I awoke to find my answering machine blinking and the message was from my friends over a thousand miles away saying something like "hey, turn on your TV, something has happened, some plane accident or something, looks pretty bad, call us."  I turned on my TV only to see the horror of a city in shock, in disbelief at what was going on.  I wanted to call my friends, but I had no phone service by this time.  I had no  friends in New York since I was only there for the summer months and into early fall.  The thought of not being able to reach out to my friends put my stomach in knots......but there was God.  As He has always been, He was faithful to comfort me and remind me that He was still in control, He was still God.  No terrorist could terrorize the King of Kings.

  PSALM 46-God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear, though the earth be removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;  Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof.  There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High.  God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved:  God shall help her and that right early.  The heathen raged the kingdoms were moved: he uttereth his voice, the earth melted. The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge.  Come behold the works of the Lord, what desolations he hath made in the earth.  He maketh wars to cease unto the ends of the earth; he breaketh the bow and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire,  Be still and know that I am God:  I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.  The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge.

I was not the only one with that feeling in my stomach.  Thousands of others felt that way also and for many different reasons.  For some, they knew they had loved ones in those towers, for some they passed by the towers every day in their commute to and from work.  Some were supposed to be in the towers that morning but through some "twist of fate" they were not.  New York City was a city in shock and America was a nation in shock.  Who do we turn to?  What can we do?

The Creator of this world was there.  Unshaken by the horrific events, His arms were open, His ears were open.  He was the One we could turn to to find peace in the midst of chaos, to find comfort in the midst of pain and heartache, to find security in the midst of terror....God was not too busy.

Churches all over this country understood that.  They opened their doors for those who needed a shoulder to cry on, for those who needed prayer, for those who had questions and were looking for answers, the churches were not too busy.

Organizations such as Samaritan's Purse (founded by Franklin Graham) and other Christian organizations flooded the area and sat up make shift counseling areas and were there....why?  Because they understood God was not too busy.

I know of at least 1 clergyman who died because He was a vessel used by God to extend the love of God to those who were in the midst of the horror-

In the days ahead, God was not too busy to provide strength to those whose strength was zapped  from them.  He was not too busy to provide for the needs of those affected by the tragedy.  Ten years have passed and God is still comforting those folks affected by the tragedy.  True to His Word, He is a God that never slumbers or sleeps.

PSALM 121: 1-4- I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.  My help cometh from the Lord, which made the heaven and earth.  He will not suffer thy foot to be moved; he that keepeth thee will not slumber.  Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.

Mr. Mayor, God has never been "too busy" to intervene in the lives of those who call upon Him.  His love for us is so vast that He was not "too busy" to make a way so that we could have our sins forgiven and spend eternity with Him- He did this through sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to bear the weight of our sins as He was crucified on a cross 2000 years ago.

JOHN 3:16- For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.

To all who read this blog- Take Comfort!  Mayor Bloomberg doesn't dictate God's agenda and no one has the power or the authority to restrain God.  While Mayor Bloomberg may have excluded Him, we do not have to do the same.  We can invite Him into every activity of every moment of every day.

I have read various articles where angered people plan on booing Mayor Bloomberg off stage during the ceremony remembering 9/11.  Please, my dear Christian brothers and sisters, do not involve yourself in such behavior.

  ISAIAH 53:7  He was oppressed, and He was afflicted, yet He opened not His mouth:  He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not His mouth.

I PETER 2:21- For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow His steps.

I PETER 2:22-23- Who did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth:  Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously: 

I PETER 3:9- Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing; but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.

Instead, use your energy and time to pray for Mayor Bloomberg and others who have demonstrated very poor judgement in their decision making.  Pray that they would seek the Lord while He may be found and call upon Him while He is near.

ISAIAH 55: 6-7  Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:  Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

God has called us to show respect to our government leaders.  While we certainly are not called to agree with  the decision Mayor Bloomberg has made, we must show respect in our disagreements!  May our behavior be one that honors God and silences those who would attempt to lash out at us.

I TIMOTHY 2:1-4  I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.  For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of truth.

I PETER 2:15-16- For so is the will of God, that with well-doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men:  As free, and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness, but as servants of God.  Honour all men,  Love the brotherhood,  Fear God.  Honour the king.

God bless America and God have mercy on America

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Are you in the way?

I was reading my Bible today and the Holy Spirit really spoke to me afresh.  The passage is found in Luke 1.  The context is this:  An angel has visited Mary announcing that she will give birth to Jesus, the Savior of the world!

Imagine the shock!  This young virgin girl just living a normal life- now her world is rocked by this news.  She asks the question that would come to any virgin's mind- "How can this be, seeing I know not a man?"
 ( translated.." I have not had sexual relations with a man")

It is the angel's response that the Holy Spirit used to speak to my heart today.  Let's look at the angel's response:

Luke 1:35(KJV) " And the angel answered and said unto her, "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee:  therefore also the holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God."

The Lord desires to perform great works within all of His children.  No, we have not been asked to give birth to the Savior- but the Lord desires to use us to point others to Jesus, to teach or disciple someone, to minister through preaching or through a musical talent that we possess.  We might be like Mary- stunned, unsure of how God will accomplish His desires through us- perhaps we don't think we have anything to give.  We find ourselves asking God essentially the same question that Mary asked the angel.  "How can this be, Lord?  What could possibly be within me that could be used by you?"

The answer to our questions would be the same answer that the angel gave Mary!  Let's look at it again and personalize it. "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee."

It is in this verse that the Spirit spoke to my heart.  God wants to use us- but we often get in the way!  It is always through the power of the Spirit that God accomplishes His work in us.  But the power of the Highest must OVERSHADOW us!!

We must allow ourselves to be controlled by the Spirit.  We must be led by the Spirit.  So often we want to accomplish "great things" for God through our own strength, our own way, and for our own glory- yet that is not how it works.  For it is "not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts." Zechariah 4:6.

I have heard it said "God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called.  I like that!  I need to remind myself of that truth more often!  God can use ANYBODY, anybody that is willing to be overshadowed by the Spirit of God!  God can use anybody that is not looking to take credit.  We don't have to have great talents or abilities, we just have to be willing to humble ourselves, surrendered to the Holy Spirit.

Are you standing in the way of what God wants to do in your life?  Why not take a moment to ask God if you are in the way?  Allow His Spirit to speak to your heart.  Take care of any business that you and the Lord might have and then begin to daily submit yourself to the control of the Spirit!  I believe  we will be surprised by what the Lord can do through us when His Spirit overshadows us!

To God be the glory!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Promises, Promises

As you probably know, we are getting ready to enter an election year!  Yep, November, 2012 is fast approaching!  We are beginning to hear interviews, watch debates and read articles about all the candidates.  It will, unfortunately, get ugly between the parties and the candidates.....One thing we will hear is a lot of promises. We will hear something like this, "When elected, I promise........"  The question is how many of those promises will they keep???

And so it goes, the trials we face every 4 years here in America.  I began to think of all the "promises" that will be made over the next many months and how many of them will be broken after the election.  That can really bum you out if you think about it for very long.  However, my mind began to dwell on One who has yet to break even one promise He has made.  That will make you smile if think about that for any length of time.  Yes, we have a Savior, a Heavenly Father who has never broke one promise He has made to us.  The Bible says that it is impossible for God to lie.  Truth = God.  All the promises we have are found in His Word and we stand upon His Word.  All the promises of God are "yes" and "amen"!  (II Corinthians 1:20-22)

God has left us hundreds of promises in His Word and we can claim them in good times and bad.  We don't have a God who is like the shifting sand.  His promises are good from the moment He spoke them and through eternity.  God is not a politician with hopes of getting reelected, making promises trying to win votes.  No! Christ was crowned King of Kings a long, long time ago and that title is not up for grabs!  The King of Kings that was, still is, and will be throughout all eternity!  God's promises are not dependent on the economy, or the votes of the House or the Senate and there is not one person who has the power to veto what God has promised!  Hallelujah!

However, we must realize that some of God's promises are contingent upon our obedience.  I have heard it so many times from others, and sad to say that I have done this very thing.....quoting a promise from God but not obeying God at the time- still claiming the promise of God.  What do I mean?  Well, I have had people talk to me sad about a need that wasn't met, a hope shattered, and they will read a certain verse to me that they claimed and now they doubt God because they feel He didn't come through for them.....but there was one problem.....they weren't walking with God.....the promise they claimed was contingent upon their obedience to God.  We can't claim all the promises of God if we are not walking in obedience to Him.

Let me give a few examples. Romans 10:13- "For whosoever shall call upon the the name of the Lord shall be saved."  The promise of salvation is a promise that is ours to claim for all time.  God doesn't remove our salvation in our moments of disobedience.  (Such grace is not a license to sin- but this great grace is something that is ours to rest in at all times!)

John 14:18 "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you"- This is another promise that we can claim at all times.  The presence of God is with His children at all times.  While we may walk away from Him, He never walks away from us.

Romans 8:1- There is now therefore no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus....."- Another promise that the child of God can claim at  any time.  We will never, no never face the condemnation of our Father.

But how about Matthew 6:33- "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you."- the promise comes after the instruction given to us to seek first the Kingdom of God.

Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths"  The promise comes after the instruction.

Malachi 3:10, the promises of God opening up the storehouses of heaven and pouring out a blessing so great that we cannot receive it is contingent upon us bringing the tithes and offerings of our first fruits to Him.

These are just a few of the examples.  My question is, where are you at today in your walk with the Lord?  I ask myself that same question.  Are we living like the world yet trying to claim promises that are contingent upon our obedience.  We can do that all we want- but I fear that it will be an exercise we will carry out in vain.

You want to live in all the promises of God, do I?  Then friend, we must walk in obedience.

Take comfort in those promises of God today.  I know, we have a life time of experiencing broken promises, deceptions and embellishments from those in the world that we should be able to trust.....but we do not serve a God who lies or deceives or embellishes!  No!! A thousand times NO!  We serve a God who cannot lie, who will not lie and we have a whole Book that gives account after account of a God who keeps His Word!!

Testify today to the promises God has kept in your life.  People need encouragement, they need to hear from you about the God you serve.  Share Christ with someone today.

Are you walking in disobedience?.....ok.  We serve a God that allows U-Turns!  Just turn around you will find Him right there to embrace you.  We serve a God who just doesn't "leave the porch light on" in case we want to come home.  He is awake and sees us from afar off and runs to meet us.  We serve a Shepherd who leaves the ninety and nine to look for His one lost sheep!  Hallelujah!

To God be the Glory!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Dare to be a Daniel!

Christians can  live without a lot of things- but there is one thing that we cannot live without....CONVICTIONS!

The time to set our convictions is not when we are in the fire but rather TODAY.  What will we take a stand for...what would we die for?  WOW!  Even writing that statement gives me some chills.  Yet as I listen to the agenda of Satan being carried forth in this world through abortions, pornography, drugs, alcohol, homosexuality and a multitude of other sexual sins, and the atheist goal of destroying all that is a part of America's godly heritage, I know that I better be set in what I am willing to stand for and what I must stand against.

The Old Testament book of Daniel is about a man of convictions.  A Godly man who had purposed in his heart what he would and would not do.

Daniel 1:8- But Daniel was determined not to defile himself by eating the food and wine given to them by the king.

 It is easier to resist temptation when our convictions are set in stone prior to the temptation arising.

When Daniel chose to obey God over the king's decree- he found himself being thrown into the lion's den. Daniel had purposed in his heart that he would obey God over man long before being thrown into the lion's den.

Daniel had 3 friends named Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.  Many of us might remember being told about these men when we were little.  These 3 men were wise like Daniel.  In fact we read their story in the book of Daniel.    At Daniel's request, the King appointed these men to be in charge of all the affairs of the province of Babylon.

When these 3 men refused to bow down to the king- they were brought before the king and questioned concerning the charge against them.  Let's look at their reply:

Daniel 3: 16-18

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied, "O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you.  If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us.  He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty.  But even if he doesn't, we want to make it clear to you, Your Majesty, that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up."

These were not 3 men who just spoke "off the cuff" when brought before the king.  These were 3 men who had long ago purposed in their heart whom they would serve....only the Lord God Almighty!

We are in the midst of times and will continue to face times when we will be called to stand for Christ.  Are we ready?  Have we purposed in our heart that we will not bow down to any other god, and that we will never go against our God.

Friends, now is the time, today is the day to have these issues settled in our mind and heart.  We must be unshakable, unmovable, even in the toughest of times.  It is not easy, and I fear it will get harder.  Yet, Jesus went to the cross for us, we must be willing to do the same for Him should that be asked of us.

Now is the time to get to know the Savior- now is the time to plant His Word in your mind and in your heart. Now is the time to call upon Him to help you take a stand.  And while we pray for this world to repent and turn back to the One True God, we stand ready to follow Jesus even if no one goes with us.

Dare to be a Daniel!  This was a song I learned as a little girl but it still fits today.  Dare to be a Daniel, Dare to stand alone! (remembering, while we may stand alone humanly speaking, Jesus always stands beside us!)

To God be the glory!  I love you dear readers and I lift you up in prayer.  If you have any prayer request, please don't hesitate to share them with me.  I would love to join you in praying for the concerns of your heart!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What makes a nation great?

Proverbs 14:34- "Godliness makes a nation great, but sin is a disgrace to any people." (NLT)

In case you haven't had a chance to read a newspaper or turn on the news, please allow me to update you.  The world is in pretty bad shape.....The stock market is putting people on edge as they watch it take a dive and in so doing, they see their "retirement" or "future" go down the drain.  England is dealing with people rioting in the streets, France and Italy face their own economic woes, and the Middle East....well do I even have to say anything about the unrest there?  The terrorist are forever plotting and planning to make bombs or other weapons of mass destruction all in the name of a false god they call Allah.

But it's not just a nation or a government that is in is families, marriages, households.  Divorce, abuse, alcohol, drugs, sexual immorality, murder, pornography......does it end?  What is the answer to this madness?

Well first of all let me say that the answer to the madness is not a "what" but rather "who".  We look for answers in politicians, petitions, and policies.  While we certainly must use wisdom and caution in electing men and women to help lead the world.....they are not the answer.

We seek help from support groups and psychiatrist.  We look for answers in a bottle of pills or another self help book.....but we turned to the wrong physician and search the pages of the wrong book.

We tune into Oprah (how will we live without her?....just fine), Dr Phil or Dr Laura to help us rear our kids and save our marriages....but we fail to go the Owner's manual, seeking advice from the One who made us and the One who created marriage and family.

In our despair we finally cave to the lie of the evil one, satan himself.  "Everybody's doing it"  "It's just the way things are", "welcome to the new generation" .  So we close our eyes, cross our fingers and hope for the best.

NO NO NO!!  We don't exist on this earth to just "hope for the best" or accept what satan has thrown our way.  We have the answer.  It is Jesus Christ!

Godliness makes a nation great!!  Do we grasp this?  It is not a President or a policy or a philosophy.  It is Godliness.  It is submission to a Holy God who says if you seek Me, you shall find Me!  It is turning over our will to do the will of the Master.

God is not some bully living in heaven.  He is a pure and holy and righteous God who longs to be a Heavenly Father to all.   But He will not share His throne with another. ....and  we should be grateful for that.  God loves us so much and He understands that since He created us, He is the best One to rule over us.  God has no underlying agenda.  He is not trying to gain votes or win an election.  He is not trying to put on a great show so He can be renewed for another season.  He is not trying to write a book that makes its way to the best sellers list (although He did  do this!)

God has laid it out plain and clear.  The nation that acknowledges Him will be the same time He lays out the consequences for the nations that forget Him.

He then gives us the freedom to choose.  Somehow we have continued to return to our folly.

Proverbs 26:11- As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his foolishness. (NLT)

Will we wake up.....will we humble ourselves and fall before His throne, seeking His face, forsaking our sin and following after His Word.  Oh how I pray we do that before it is too late.  I fear that we are nearing that point of no return.

Will you right now bow your head with me and pray?

Oh Father, right now i come before You....seeking your forgiveness for my straying for my half hearted commitment.  I want to follow you at all cost.  I want to rise up and follow you even if no one else joins me.  I want to seek you and your wisdom in my marriage, my family, my work, my friends, my decisions and my desires.  I want everything I do to bring glory to you.

Oh Father, have mercy on this world and may your Holy Spirit convict hearts and heal hearts.  May there be a widespread revival across this land.  One that is unstoppable.

Oh Father, we do not desire to hate anyone that does not desire to follow you, rather we will pray for them and  love them and look for ways to share your love with them.  At the same time, we will take a stand against an agenda to indoctrinate our children with the ungodly teachings that tell our children that there is no such thing as absolute truth and that it is ok to experiment with their sexuality.  We stand on the Holy Word of God that teaches marriage is between one man and one woman.

Oh Father, heal our minds our hearts and our land.

In the precious name of Jesus

Do you know Him,,,,do you know Him as your Savior?  If you do not, please do not delay.  Click on my tab on how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  You can have it today.  It will be the best decision you will ever make.  I dare you to prove me wrong, my friend.  I've been a Christian for over 40 years and it has been the bests journey ever!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

"Where is God?"

I have heard this question a probably have heard it also.  It is the question used by those folks who do not know the Lord as they give excuses as to why they have their doubts about God. Truth be told, it is also a question asked by Christians who get hit with some bad news or tragedy that turns their world upside down.

 "Where was God when the twin towers were attacked in New York City?"
"Where is God when bad things happen?"
"Where is God?  I just lost my job and I have a family to feed and bills to pay?

On and on the question is asked in various circumstances.  Is it a valid question?  Well any question is valid if someone is sincerely let's look today at "Where is God?"

When God put Adam and Eve in the garden, He gave them an incredible gift called "free will".  He gave them instructions and He laid out the consequences should they disobey the instructions.  In a very short time it was all a mess right there in the garden.  The consequence of death kicked in and here we are thousands of years later still facing the consequences of the sin of disobedience that occurred in that garden.

It has intrigued me at times that God did not take away the free will of man that day.  The punishment could have been taking away the free will of man but God did not desire to make us robots forcing us to follow Him.

Today is no different.  God has given the Bible that is full of is full on consequences for those who fail to follow those instructions and He has even laid out the blessings for those who do choose to follow.  He has then placed us in this world with a free will.

The sin that we see in abundance in this world is a result of people exercising their free will in a wrong way.  God desires that we take the free will that He has given us and surrender it to Him.  He longs for us to lay it at His feet and allow ourselves to be controlled by the Holy Spirit not by our free will.  But we have to initiate that process.  He does not force Himself on us.

Why are the bad stuff happening in the world today?  We have not consented to be led by God, and His Holy Spirit.

My job is in the medical field.  Every day I am at work my patients are asked to consent to treatments.  Someone may have cancer, they may even be in the later stages of cancer and their only hope is surgery.  A surgeon cannot just wheel them into the operating room and cut on them against their will.  They have to sign a consent form.  Most sign the consent....but their are some who refuse.  There are some who agree to it and then back out at the last minute.  By doing so, they face the consequences laid out for them by the surgeon.

A popular medical term that most folks are familiar with today is the word "DNR" .  It means "Do Not Resuscitate."  A person has signed a form telling their medical team that if they stop breathing or if they go into a coma or if their heart stops beating, they do not want CPR, they do not want their heart to be shocked with the hopes of restarting it, they do not want to be put on a machine that will breathe for them.  The medical team is required to honor the wishes of the patient, even though the consequences may be death itself.  We respect the free will of the patient to make such a decision.

I believe most folks in this world have told God, our Heavenly Physician that we want to be a "DNR"  He says "Come now and let us reason together....though your sins be as scarlet they can be as white as snow, though they be red like crimson they can be as wool"  we say..."No thanks"  (Isaiah 1:18)

He says that His Holy Spirit can breathe new life into us.....we say "no thanks" (II Corinthians 3:6)

He offers us a new heart.....we say "no thanks"  (Ezekiel 11:19)

He offers to renew our mind- we say "no thanks"  (Romans 12:2)

He offers us a total body makeover- "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.  Old things are passed away, behold all things become new."  (II Corinthians 5:17) we say "No thanks"

The consent form has been laid before us.  It has been laid before every nation, every tribe, every tongue, every people.  A healing of our land by the Creator Himself.  Will we sign on the dotted line?

Time is running out.  In medicine we tell patients something obvious.  The time to operate on the cancer is sooner rather than later.  Cancer spreads, cancer eats away and in time cancer can reach a stage where it becomes inoperable.  Death is imminent.

So it is with sin.  Sin spreads, sin eats away.  The time to take care of sin is the moment we see it crop up in our lives.  There comes a time when sin can bring destruction that leaves a permanent scar.....perhaps even damage that cannot be completely repaired.

Where is God?  He is everywhere.  But He is a gentleman, intervening only where He is invited to do so.  He is  like the surgeon at the bedside of the patient saying let me help you, sign the consent....I can fix the problem.

America and many other nations have kicked Him out and then wonder where He is at when a tragedy occurs.  It's like a patient who refused the surgeon's help now lying on their death bed and wondering where the surgeon is at and why he is not helping to save their life.

Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me..Revelation 3:20

He is knocking!  Will we open the door?
To God be the glory!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The "right wing Christian fundamentalist"

Last Friday will forever be described as a horrific nightmare for family and friends of 92 people.  Last Friday, 92 innocent people had their lives taken from them by a 32 year old male who has been named as a "right wing Christian fundamentalist".  Many of the victims were children....teenagers at a youth camp.

May our sincere thoughts and prayers be turned toward the family and friends of these victims and may they find even some small peace in knowing that this murderer is in custody.

As I was reading about this tragedy, I kept reading the term "right wing Christian fundamentalist" and I became curious as to the exact definition of  that term.  I have heard that term for a long time but I just wondered how the world was defining the term and I was kind of curious to know if I am one of those folks since I am a Christian who stands on the authority of the Word of God.

As I searched my computer to find my answer, I found some information about  the beginnings of "Christian fundamentalism " in America. This is what I read and I want to share it with you.  I think it is important for us to know about such things that we make speak with wisdom and be able to give answers to those who ask us questions.

My source is Wikipedia

Fundamentalism as a movement arose in the United States, starting among conservative Presbyterian theologians at Princeton Theological Seminary in the late 19th century.  It soon spread to conservatives among the Baptist and other denominations around 1910-1920.  The momvements\'s purpose was to reaffirm key theological tenets and zealously defend them against the challenges of liberal theology and higher criticism.

The term "fundamentalism" has it's roots in the Niagara Bible  Conference (1878-1897) which defined those tenets it considered fundamental to Christian belief.  The term was popularized by "The Fundamentals", a collection of twelve books on five subjects published in 1910 and funded by the brothers Milton and Lyman Stewart.  This series of essays came to be representative of the "Fundamentalist-Modernist Controversy" which appeared late in the 1920's.  The first formulation of American fundamentalist beliefs can be traced  to the Niagara Bible Conference and, in 1910, to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church which distilled these into what became known as the "five fundamentals"

1.)The  inspiration of the Bible by the Holy Spirit and the inerrancy of Scripture as a result of this
2.) The virgin birth of Christ
3.) The belief that Christ's death was the atonement for sin
4.) The bodily resurrection of Christ
5.) The historical reality of Christ's miracles

By the late 1910's, the theological conservatives rallying around the Five Fundamentals came to be known as "fundamentalist".  In practice, the first point regarding the Bible was the focus of most of the controversy.

It is important to distinguish between "Fundamentalism" as the name of a militant style and "fundamentalism" as a theology.  Evangelical groups typically agree on the theology "fundamentals" as expressed in The Fundamentals, but often are willing to participate in events with religious groups who do not hold to the essential doctrines.  Fundamentalist groups generally refuse to participate in events with such groups who don't hold to the essential doctrines.

Well.....that was a learning time for me when I read that.  Those 5 "fundamentals" are doctrines that I take a solid stand on.  I guess that would define me as a fundamentalist, theologically speaking.  Wikipedia ends by encouraging people to understand the difference between "militant" style fundamentalism and "fundamentalism" as theology.  Wikipedia defines the "militant" style fundamentalism as the unwillingness to participate in events with groups that don't hold to the essential doctrines.

I have thought about that and have drawn some conclusions that I believe are based on the Word of God.

Jesus did draw boundaries for His followers- We are reminded to: "Come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord"- II Corinthians 6:17

Jesus said that His followers are "not of the world, even as I am not of the world"- John 17:16

Jesus warned His followers that the "world " would hate us - I John 3:13

Jesus tells us not to be unequally yolked with unbelievers- II Corinthians 6:14

Jesus tells us to not be conformed to this world- Romans 12:2

This is just a short list of verses that deal with the followers of Jesus and their relationship with the world and it's philosophy.

But I want to stop there and get to the what seems to be the "Internet question of the day"- Was this killer in Norway a Christian?  Good what is the answer?

Well, I am not God and only God knows the hearts of men.  However if he was accused of being a Christian and I was on the jury- I really don't have enough evidence to convict him.

While the world will have a great time associating Christianity with this killer they call a "right wing Christian fundamentalist, I want to talk about the one thing that was missing from this killers actions.  It was LOVE.  This is very telling as it was Jesus who gave the commandment of love and God is the definition of love

When Jesus talked about the life of a believer, He said this:  "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."  John 13:35.

Let's look at our own lives for a minute.  Are we called to take a stand against what is contrary to the Word of God?  (abortion, homosexuality....just a few hot topics)  Absolutely!

Are we called to be separated from the worldly philosophies?  Absolutely!

If so, then why didn't Jesus say "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye.....take a stand against homosexuality.....if ye take a stand against abortion....if ye.....fill in the blank.

No! Jesus said the world would know we were His followers if we had love for one another.  Why?  why did Jesus say that?

Well, I believe Jesus was teaching us that taking a stand can never supersede love.  Even when we stand up for what is right, it must be done in a heart of love or it is not of God.

Love and standing up for the Word of God must go hand in hand- Love without standing for principal also bears rotten fruit- It is the fruit of walking away from Biblical principals in order to just "love everybody".  This is why we see churches now marrying homosexuals...just one example.  We are called to love homosexuals, we are not called to compromise principal for love.  That is not true love!

I think this "love" thing is bringing a crisis to churches.  Either we have gone so far to one side of the scale that we have done away with our convictions or we are so set on taking a stand that we fail to do so in love and gentleness.  The world has a lot of criticism toward the church and sad to say, at times it is deserved.

Sinners loved Jesus when He walked on this earth!  It was the "religious" folks who gave Him a rough time.
Jesus never softened His message but at the same time, He never failed in the area of love.

Back to my original question- Was this killer a Christian?  Well as the saying goes, if he walks like a duck and talks like a duck then he probably is a duck.  Or, to apply it to our lives, if we walk like Jesus and we talk like Jesus, then we probably belong to Jesus. This man did not walk like Jesus, he did not talk like Jesus.  Just the opposite, he resembles the evil one the Bible names Satan.  We know that satan came to steal, kill and destroy.  It is Jesus who came to give life and life more abundant. (John 10:10)

Jesus would have never condoned such behavior as we saw from this killer.  Today Jesus is walking in the midst of hurting families and a country asking "Why?"  He is there to comfort and to bring peace to all hearts that will invite Him in.

Pray for all the hurting family and friends of the victims.  This is an opportunity for us to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

It's Still the Blood...and it Will Never Lose its Power!

I am in the medical profession and therefore blood is something I deal with each day that I work.  I am either taking blood for some lab test, giving blood via a transfusion or looking at lab results from someones blood, making decisions accordingly.

Gloves are an important part of my job.  There are too many diseases out there that we know are spread through the blood.....who knows how many more we may learn of before I retire!  Therefore, before I draw blood, before I place an IV in someone, before I change a dressing, I am putting on my gloves!

However, there is one place that involves blood where I don't need gloves.  In fact, it is a place where I must come bare.  That place is the fountain of the cleansing blood of Jesus.  It is there I can come transparent, I MUST come transparent and I need not be fearful.  This blood is cleansing and healing.

Blood is life giving, it is energy giving.  I don't know how many times I have given someone a blood transfusion and after it is through they talk of how much better they feel, how they have more energy!  Where once they felt drained, they now feel alive.  How true, the life of the flesh is in the blood. (Leviticus 17:14)  Yet a blood transfusion is not without risk.  We are required to present those risks to the patient for these risks come with life long consequences (AIDS, hepatitis)  Yet, when a patient is confronted with life and death and a blood transfusion will give life, the patient will choose life and be willing to take the risk.

The blood of Jesus is life is ETERNAL LIFE giving.  It also provides strength to the weary sojourner, feeling beat up by what this world has to offer.  There is risk involved, there are lifelong consequences.  It is the risk of the Lord cleansing you in His blood and then molding you and making you to what HE wants you to be....this never comes without some pain involved.  It is the risk of being sent out by the Lord to do a work that you've never done open your mouth and proclaim the Gospel where once you would have remained quiet....there's the risk of being rejected by this world, even the risk of death because you make a decision to take up your cross and follow the One, the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave it all for you.

Yet, hopefully we are like that patient...  drained and in need of life giving blood.... faced with the choice of life and death, may we accept the risks and choose life.  Plunge into the life giving fountain filled with blood and be cleansed and be refreshed.

IT IS STILL THE BLOOD.  Oh precious is the flow, that makes me white as snow, no other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus!

Do you know Him as your Lord and Savior?  Do not wait another moment.  In prayer receive Him into your life, ask Him to forgive you of all your sin and invite Him in.  Begin to live each day walking and talking with Him.
Maybe you know Him but you are've been living with 1 foot in the Word and 1 foot in the world and it just isn't working for you....plunge yourself in the cleansing, healing fountain and rise up renewed and refreshed.  Allow Him to lead you and don't live to please God and the world.  We only have one Master and the Bible is clear that no man can serve 2 masters! (Matthew 6)

Whatever is your need, He stands ready to meet you right where you are at!  IT'S STILL THE BLOOD!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Oh what a Savior!

If you are breathing right now then you probably have some knowledge of the Casey Anthony trial that recently finished up in Florida.  A young woman accused of murdering her little girl has spent the last few years in jail awaiting trial.  Her trial recently finished up and she was found not guilty of the murder.  She was found guilty of lying to the police and was sentenced for that crime but time already served was credited to that and she was released from jail this past Sunday.

Oh the outrage that this verdict caused!  This woman will probably not have an easy life outside of jail since most think she is guilty of this murder and the threats toward her and the media that are trying to follow her every move must make life very difficult for her.

Did this woman murder her child?  I do not know.  I did not follow the trial and I am not God.  Only God knows for sure whether this woman is guilty or innocent.....and rest assured nothing escapes His watchful eye.

So I do not write this entry about Casey Anthony.  I want to talk about our amazing Savior.  Yesterday as I was among someone who was talking about this woman, she turned and said to me "Of course, you subscribe to the theory that all she has to do is call on Jesus and ask Him for forgiveness and everything will be ok for her and she will go to heaven"  I was caught a little off guard as I had not said anything about this trial or this woman.   But this was my reply:  "I do not subscribe to a theory.  I stand on the Word of God...."  She then said "And where is that in the Bible?"  I replied "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans 10:13).  "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life"  (John 3:16)

Those of us who have been Christians for a while and are familiar with these verses can quote them quickly without thinking about them....but God caused me at the moment I quoted them to really THINK about what I was saying.

The world may never leave Casey Anthony alone, hunting her down, harassing her..  She will remain "Guilty" in the eyes of the world and hated by many folks who believe with all their heart that she is a murderer of a beautiful little girl.  But God...(you've got to love that phrase..."But God") is not like us.  Even if she is guilty, the Hound of Heaven is on the hunt of her!  Not so He can follow her with a camera and televise her every move, not so He can harm her and harass her and make her life a living nightmare.  The Hound of Heaven hunts her down that He might wash her in His blood cleansing her soul and pronouncing her blameless before His Father.  (Colossians 1:22)

Oh what a Savior!  Oh what a friend of sinners!  He can make the vilest sinner clean!  Who is the vilest sinner?  Oh we don't like to admit it but Casey Anthony is not the only "vilest of sinners".  You and I are right there with her.  Our only hope is not our life or our actions but our only hope is Jesus Christ.

It is not mine to judge the Casey Anthony trial.  The verdict has been read the the verdict stands.  I don't know if she is guilty or innocent.  There is probably a lot of arguments that support both sides of the story.  My job, your job is to shout from the rooftops that Jesus saves!

Are you on the run?  Are you entangled in sin, running from your accusers?  Let me encourage you to run in one direction, toward the cross!  Run into the arms that are open wide, waiting to embrace you and cleanse you!

Oh what a Savior!

Monday, July 11, 2011

If He's Not Lord of All, Then He's Not Lord At All!

This is a clip from the movie "Bruce Almighty"  .  Let me say that I have never saw the movie and I am not endorsing the movie.  However, this clip I saw caught my attention.  It's about surrender.....but look at the desperation of this character played by Jim Carey.  He is exhausted from doing things his way....playing God.  (The opportunity given to him in the movie.)  He is now in the midst of this rainstorm, totally drenched from the rain and drained from the price he paid......  all to realize that he couldn't be God.

If you are a Christian, you will find yourself going through many storms.  John 16:33 promises that .( "In this life you will have many problems, but take heart, I have overcome the world.")  But some storms are self inflicted.  When we fail to surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ then we set ourselves up for the storm that will come sooner or later.  We may think because the storm didn't come sooner then somehow we have escaped God's watchful eye.....but no we have not.  We have a long suffering Heavenly Father.  But, we also have a loving Heavenly Father who loves us too much to not go to great lengths to bring us back.  Even if
it means allowing us to encounter a storm.

I don't know about you but I have encountered enough storms that are not self inflicted to just live my life in such a way that will self inflict yet another storm for me to encounter.

A wise person will willingly submit.

Listen to this story:

The captain of a ship looked into the dark night and saw a faint light out in the distance.  He ordered the message to be sent, "Alter your course 10 degrees south"  In a few moments they received a message "Alter your course 10 degrees north."

The captain was annoyed.  He sent another message, "Alter your course 10 degrees south, I am a captain!"  The response?  "Alter your course 10 degrees north, I am a seaman third class."

Now that made the captain angry.  He sent the threatening message, "Alter your course 10 degrees south.  This is a battleship!"  The final response, "Alter your course 10 degrees  north.   This is a lighthouse!"

Jesus is our Lighthouse.  He does not alter His course.  We must alter ours.  If we choose to not surrender and alter our course then we will end up like the battleship.  He almost crashed.

Is Jesus telling you to alter your course?  If so, what is your response.

May you and I find ourselves surrendering!

To God be the glory

Saturday, July 9, 2011


On March 10, 1974, almost 30 years after the end of World War II, Lt Hiroo Onoda finally handed over his rusty sword and became the last Japanese soldier to surrender.  Onoda had been sent to the tropical island of Lubang in the Philippines in 1944, with orders to conduct guerrilla warfare and prevent enemy attack on the island.  When the war ended, Onoda refused to believe the messages announcing Japan's surrender.

For 29 long years, long after all his fellow soldiers had either surrendered or been killed off, Onoda continued defending the island territory for the defeated Japanese army.  He hid in the jungle,m living off the land, stealing food and supplies from local citizens, evading one search party after another, and killing at least 30 nationals in the process.  Hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent trying to locate the lone hold-out and convince him that the war was over.

Leaflets, newspapers, photographs and letters from friends were dropped in the jungle.  Announcements were made over loud speakers begging Onoda to surrender.  Still he refused to give up his fight.  Some 13,000 men had been deployed in the effort before Onoda finally received a personal command from his former commander and was persuaded to give up the futile, solitary war he had waged for so many years.

In his autobiography entitled, No Surrender; My Thirty Year War, Onoda describes the moments the reality of what had transpired began to sink in:

"I felt like a fool....What had I been doing all these years?...For the first time I really understood...This was the end, I pulled back the bolt on my rifle and unloaded the bullets....I eased off the pack that I had always carried with me and laid the gun on top of it.

The war was finally over.

Story from "Old Soldiers Never Die" Newsweek 25 March 1974

I read this story in amazement!  The brutality of war is something that I can't begin to comprehend.  But, I do know that even the most committed soldier is ready to run home after the war is over.  A soldier longs to see his family again, to sleep in his or her own bed, eat some home cooked meals, catch up with friends and just watch a good movie or a favorite TV show.

Mr Onoda not only faced the brutality of war while it was in progress but then spent many wasted years fighting a war that had ended.....the outcome of the war already determined.

Sound familiar?  We are born sinners and we spend our years resisting the call of salvation from the King of Kings....Once we accept Christ as our Savior, we might find ourselves resisting the call of total surrender that is coming from the lips of the King of Kings.  We resist and fight, refusing to surrender in a war where the outcome has already been determined.

Resisting, running and hiding can become a way of life if we continue in it for a period of time.  That is what happened to Mr Onoda.  In spite of the numerous attempts to notify him that the war had ended, he refused to believe and continued to fight.

God uses military terms throughout the Bible when talking about our Christian walk.  I want to talk about the wars we encounter while we are on this earth.  None of them easy, but winnable when we choose to obey the Captain of the Army.

1.)  The first war is the battle for salvation- Salvation is a free gift and don't misunderstand me, this is not a battle we fight to be saved.  We are born lost sinners, bound for hell.  When we are introduced to the saving grace of Jesus Christ, the armies of hell stand ready for Satan never gives up a soul that easy.  He, in his hopes to keep us from accepting Christ as our Savior will begin to use whatever tactics he can to keep us from doing so. "You're too deep into the mess of your life to be saved", "God doesn't really care about you", "You do this and your friends and family will abandon you"  ......lie after lie, tactic after tactic....the war is on.

But, my friend, don't be deceived.  This was a war that was won by Jesus Christ that Resurrection Morning!  For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved!!!

2.) The second war we find ourselves fighting is the war of surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.(I see it as a war with our will)  The initial surrender to the Lord, which happens at the point of salvation, is not the end of the story.  In fact, it is a starting point.  Now we must engage in a daily surrender, a hourly surrender, a moment by moment surrender to the authority of the Keeper of our souls, Jesus Christ.  We must engage in discipleship and be eager students of the Word, learning how to live a surrendered life.

This is not always easy but it is attainable and we are foolish to live our lives any other way.  To engage in this battle is like America declaring war on her greatest ally.  God is on our side.  Jesus has already declared victory.  He is fighting for us, let's not find ourselves fighting Him

This is why God gave us the weapons of our warfare as laid out in Ephesians 6.  They are not carnal weapons but mighty weapons given to us by the Captain of our Army!!  Our defeat comes when we try to use our own tactics in fighting the devil.

Think of it this way:  I enlist in the army and sent  to Afghanistan to fight.  I am supplied military weapons, but I refuse them and tell the Army I didn't need their weapons because I brought my own.  I begin to pull out of my bag a sling shot, a BB gun, and a water pistol.  These are the weapons I plan to use going up against our foe.  Crazy! Right?

Yet as a Christian, we live defeated lives because essentially we choose to fight the devil with a sling shot, a BB gun and a water pistol instead of using the most powerful weapons offered to us by our Commander, Jesus Christ.

Where are you at right now?  Perhaps you have yet to make that initial surrender to Jesus Christ, inviting Him to be your Lord and Savior.  If this is so, please click on my tab on how you can have a personal relationship with Jesus.

Perhaps you are saved but you have yet to surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, allowing Him full authority over your life.  Instead you are running and resisting.  Stop!  You are wearing yourself out!  Find the peace you long for by allowing Jesus to take the wheel.

If you are a Christian then you are definitely engaged in the 3rd war I spoke of.  What are you using as your weapon against the devil?  If it is anything else other than the Word of God, you will live a defeated and exhausted Christian walk.

II Corinthians 10:4-5- For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal; but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; casting down imaginations and every high things that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

Are you surrendered to the Lord?  Lay down your weapons, stop running and surrender!  Don't come to the end of your life saying essentially what Mr Onoda said;  "I felt like a fool.....what had I been doing for all these years?"

To God be the glory!