Saturday, August 13, 2011

What makes a nation great?

Proverbs 14:34- "Godliness makes a nation great, but sin is a disgrace to any people." (NLT)

In case you haven't had a chance to read a newspaper or turn on the news, please allow me to update you.  The world is in pretty bad shape.....The stock market is putting people on edge as they watch it take a dive and in so doing, they see their "retirement" or "future" go down the drain.  England is dealing with people rioting in the streets, France and Italy face their own economic woes, and the Middle East....well do I even have to say anything about the unrest there?  The terrorist are forever plotting and planning to make bombs or other weapons of mass destruction all in the name of a false god they call Allah.

But it's not just a nation or a government that is in is families, marriages, households.  Divorce, abuse, alcohol, drugs, sexual immorality, murder, pornography......does it end?  What is the answer to this madness?

Well first of all let me say that the answer to the madness is not a "what" but rather "who".  We look for answers in politicians, petitions, and policies.  While we certainly must use wisdom and caution in electing men and women to help lead the world.....they are not the answer.

We seek help from support groups and psychiatrist.  We look for answers in a bottle of pills or another self help book.....but we turned to the wrong physician and search the pages of the wrong book.

We tune into Oprah (how will we live without her?....just fine), Dr Phil or Dr Laura to help us rear our kids and save our marriages....but we fail to go the Owner's manual, seeking advice from the One who made us and the One who created marriage and family.

In our despair we finally cave to the lie of the evil one, satan himself.  "Everybody's doing it"  "It's just the way things are", "welcome to the new generation" .  So we close our eyes, cross our fingers and hope for the best.

NO NO NO!!  We don't exist on this earth to just "hope for the best" or accept what satan has thrown our way.  We have the answer.  It is Jesus Christ!

Godliness makes a nation great!!  Do we grasp this?  It is not a President or a policy or a philosophy.  It is Godliness.  It is submission to a Holy God who says if you seek Me, you shall find Me!  It is turning over our will to do the will of the Master.

God is not some bully living in heaven.  He is a pure and holy and righteous God who longs to be a Heavenly Father to all.   But He will not share His throne with another. ....and  we should be grateful for that.  God loves us so much and He understands that since He created us, He is the best One to rule over us.  God has no underlying agenda.  He is not trying to gain votes or win an election.  He is not trying to put on a great show so He can be renewed for another season.  He is not trying to write a book that makes its way to the best sellers list (although He did  do this!)

God has laid it out plain and clear.  The nation that acknowledges Him will be the same time He lays out the consequences for the nations that forget Him.

He then gives us the freedom to choose.  Somehow we have continued to return to our folly.

Proverbs 26:11- As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his foolishness. (NLT)

Will we wake up.....will we humble ourselves and fall before His throne, seeking His face, forsaking our sin and following after His Word.  Oh how I pray we do that before it is too late.  I fear that we are nearing that point of no return.

Will you right now bow your head with me and pray?

Oh Father, right now i come before You....seeking your forgiveness for my straying for my half hearted commitment.  I want to follow you at all cost.  I want to rise up and follow you even if no one else joins me.  I want to seek you and your wisdom in my marriage, my family, my work, my friends, my decisions and my desires.  I want everything I do to bring glory to you.

Oh Father, have mercy on this world and may your Holy Spirit convict hearts and heal hearts.  May there be a widespread revival across this land.  One that is unstoppable.

Oh Father, we do not desire to hate anyone that does not desire to follow you, rather we will pray for them and  love them and look for ways to share your love with them.  At the same time, we will take a stand against an agenda to indoctrinate our children with the ungodly teachings that tell our children that there is no such thing as absolute truth and that it is ok to experiment with their sexuality.  We stand on the Holy Word of God that teaches marriage is between one man and one woman.

Oh Father, heal our minds our hearts and our land.

In the precious name of Jesus

Do you know Him,,,,do you know Him as your Savior?  If you do not, please do not delay.  Click on my tab on how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  You can have it today.  It will be the best decision you will ever make.  I dare you to prove me wrong, my friend.  I've been a Christian for over 40 years and it has been the bests journey ever!