Do you ever find yourself complicating what God has stated so clearly. God clearly tells here what He requires. Basically, it can be summed up in that last Him and serve Him with all your heart.
What have I learned from this verse?
1. This is what God REQUIRES- This is not a suggestion from God, it is a must. Now that He settles that upfront, lets look at it with that first lesson in mind.
2. With all YOUR heart- I love this! Sometimes we look around and we see people in our church or in Christian media and we somehow think we would gain God's approval if we did it like they did we try to become them, in so doing, we become someone we are not. God doesn't ask us to be someone else. He says love me with all YOUR heart, serve me with all YOUR heart. Now perhaps you are thinking like I have thought, "I don't have much to serve Him with" When we serve God with all our heart then God shows up...and you know what happens when God shows up?
3. He begins to grow you, He expands that heart of yours and suddenly you begin see a transformation. It is a transformation that did not come from you, but from God.. That's the best kind of transformation you can have.