Have you ever started to read a book and become tempted to turn to the back page to see how it ends? Or, have you ever talked to someone about a certain movie you want to see and they've already seen it so they begin to tell you how the story ends?
That just tends to ruin it for me- after all I know how it will turn out in the end. However, I want to take a moment to talk about the ending to a story in which the star of the show is Jesus Christ.
There is a lot of unrest in the world right now. Earthquakes, riots, a crumbling economy and the threats of evil dictators that would love nothing more than for America to go up in a cloud of smoke. If those were the only peices of news I had I would be pretty depressed and afraid right now. Surely none of those situations have a good ending.....or do they?
In the Old Testament books of Isaiah, Ezekiel and Daniel, we read about how the stage will be set for the return of our Lord. Just about every player involved in these riots will play a part of ushering in the end of time as we know it. Then in the New Testament Jesus gives some advice about the signs of the times- referring to them as birth pains. The setting of the scene for the antichrist to appear and deceive those who are left behind seems to be coming together at a fairly fast speed. Does this mean that we can predict the date the Lord will return- absolutely not. However, Jesus does say when you see these things happening, LOOK UP FOR YOUR REDEMPTION DRAWETH NIGH!
But, good news for those who have accepted Christ as their Savior! This is a battle in which the victor(s) have already been named. Yep, I've read the back of the Book and we WIN!!
Let me share with you from Revelation 22:3-5 (but I recommend the entire chapter!) "No longer will there be a curse upon anything, for the throne of God and of the Lamb will be there, and His servants will worship Him. And they will see His face, and His name will be written on their foreheads. And there will be no night there-no need for lamps or sun-for the Lord God will shine on them. And they shall reign forever and ever,
Oh, by the way....while I'm on the subject- let me take a moment to inform you and remind Satan of his future. For I read the back of the Book and he doesn't win- Hallelujah!
Revelation 20:10- Then the devil, who had deceived them, was thrown into the fiery lake of burning sulfur, joining the beast and the false prophet. There they will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
I do not know what these days will bring for America and Christians. But this I know, the one who kills the body cannot kill the soul! For the ransomed child of God we know that we are ultimately safe and secure in the hands of our Father and when we draw our last breath we won't leave home, we will go home!
If you are not sure that you will spend eternity then don't wait another moment. Click on my side bar of "do you have a personal relationship with Jesus?" If you are a true child of the King then hang on and be spreading the Gospel for Matthew 24:37-39 says "When the Son of Man returns, it will be like it was in Noah's day. In those days before the flood, the people were enjoying banquets and parties and weddings right up to the time Noah entered the boat. People didn't realize what was going to happen until the flood came and swept them all away. That is the way it will be when the Son of Man comes"
To God be the glory