Hebrews 1:3 who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, SAT DOWN at the right hand of the Majesty on high.
Hebrews 10: 12- But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, SAT DOWN at the right hand of God.
Hebrews 12:2- Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has SAT DOWN at the right hand of the throne of God.
We often use the phrase "sit down" when we think of finishing our work. We've all said "I can't wait to sit down", "As soon as I finish this, I can sit down". Many times we come home from work and say, "I was so busy, I didn't even have a chance to sit down". They are words we associate with "completion".
We see this truth in these verses. Jesus "completed" the work He had come to do. He came to earth, prepared 12 men to carry on His ministry, He died on the cross, rose again and "sat down" at the right hand of the Father. I dare not minimize the work He had come to do. That work has just as much meaning and power as it did over 2000 years ago when He completed it. It is the work of salvation! You and I can spend eternity in heaven with Jesus because He completed the work!
When we try to add our works to what He completed- (our gift of salvation)- we minimize our amazing Lord and Savior and the work He accomplished for us on the cross.
The book of Hebrews is so clear in revealing the superiority of Jesus Christ over the law that we read of in the Old Testament. We read of the priests continually having to offer sacrifices for their sins and the sins of the people. It was because the sacrifice was not sufficient.
If you study about the Tabernacle, you will find that there was no seat for the priest in the holy of holies. That was because the work of the priest was never completed. He was always offering sacrifice for the atonement of sin.
Our Great High Priest, Jesus Christ came and did something no priest had ever done and no earthly priest will ever do.
Hebrews 10:12- But this Man, after He had offered ONE sacrifice for sins FOREVER, sat down at the right hand of God.
Worthy, our Lord is worthy of all praise and all the glory. No man can ever come close to what Jesus did for us. I owe Him my life and may I always gladly lay it down for whatever He desires of me.
The most incredible experience that I have occurs each time I get on my knees. I encourage you to at least once a day get on your knees before the Lord. It never grows old to me and it is the most humbling and overwhelming experience to bow before the King of Kings.
I have heard individuals referred to as the "king of pop", the "king of rock and roll" , the "king of soul"- You know, I don't even know if I could tell you who those people are- but I can tell you that I know who the King of Kings is! He is in love with you! He loved you so much that He gave His life for you!
Take a moment to reflect on how much love He has for you, that He would give His life for you. If you do not know Him, you can- Just pray and invite Him into your life. Ask Him to be your Lord and Savior. He alone is worthy of all of your attention.
If you know Him- then bow before Him and love and adore Him- He alone is worthy, so worthy!
To You, Jesus, be glory and power and majesty forever and ever, Amen!
If you study about the Tabernacle, you will find that there was no seat for the priest in the holy of holies. That was because the work of the priest was never completed. He was always offering sacrifice for the atonement of sin.
Our Great High Priest, Jesus Christ came and did something no priest had ever done and no earthly priest will ever do.
Hebrews 10:12- But this Man, after He had offered ONE sacrifice for sins FOREVER, sat down at the right hand of God.
Worthy, our Lord is worthy of all praise and all the glory. No man can ever come close to what Jesus did for us. I owe Him my life and may I always gladly lay it down for whatever He desires of me.
The most incredible experience that I have occurs each time I get on my knees. I encourage you to at least once a day get on your knees before the Lord. It never grows old to me and it is the most humbling and overwhelming experience to bow before the King of Kings.
I have heard individuals referred to as the "king of pop", the "king of rock and roll" , the "king of soul"- You know, I don't even know if I could tell you who those people are- but I can tell you that I know who the King of Kings is! He is in love with you! He loved you so much that He gave His life for you!
Take a moment to reflect on how much love He has for you, that He would give His life for you. If you do not know Him, you can- Just pray and invite Him into your life. Ask Him to be your Lord and Savior. He alone is worthy of all of your attention.
If you know Him- then bow before Him and love and adore Him- He alone is worthy, so worthy!
To You, Jesus, be glory and power and majesty forever and ever, Amen!