Monday, March 7, 2011

Following close to the Master

Yesterday I began a new blog topic.  I want to spend some time talking about my precious dogs and how the Lord has used them to teach me several things about my relationship with Father God. Today I want to talk about the lesson I've learned about following close to the Master.

One thing that my dogs have done since I brought them home at the young age of 6wks, (they are now 11) is follow me everywhere I go.  They crack me up.  I can get up from the table to get something to drink and even though I am still within their vision, they get up and come into the kitchen with me.  If I get up in the middle of the night to use the restroom, they get up from their sleep and come into the bathroom with me.

My husband will take them outside and as soon as they come in from their walk they fly up the stairs and sit by my side acting as if they hadn't seen me in years, they are so anxious to come back to my side.  At night time they will sleep right up against me.  I feel like the creme filling of an Oreo cookie!  I am trapped in between my husband on one side and my dogs on the other!  ( I'm not complaining!)  I have awakened on some mornings to find my one dog laying right on top of me just staring at me , waiting for me to open my eyes.

When they were young pups they wanted me to carry them everywhere I went.  I would pick them up and carry them around- they were so content in my arms.  Today that is impossible to do since they both weigh about 37 pounds!

What has God taught me through their behavior?  Glad you asked!  He has used their example to show me how important it is to follow close to my Master, my Heavenly Father.  God wants me to follow Him everywhere He leads me- Even if it requires me to leave my comfort zone.  Remember I told you how my dogs would awaken from their sleep and hop off the bed to follow me into the restroom- Sometimes my following God will require that I awake from my slumbering life, hop off my comfort zone and follow Him even though I may not yet understand what He is doing and where He is taking me.

It's funny, I have never taught my dogs to follow me so closely.  I don't have to call out their name several times or go searching for them- I always know where to find them.....they are right beside me.

That is how I want to follow my Master, my Heavenly Father.  I don't want God to have to chase me down or call my name a dozen times before I show up.  I want the Lord to always know where He can find me, right by His side.

The precious thing about God is that His arms are strong enough to carry me.  I can no longer carry my dogs around, they are too heavy.  However, God's arms are strong and in those times that I am so weary that I need God to carry me, I will always find His arms open and strong enough to carry me through.

Are you following your Master closely?

To God be the glory

Luke 9:23 (NLT)- Then he said to the crowd, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me."