Saturday, April 30, 2011

Everybody is talking about it.......what are you and I talking about?

Well it came and went.....the "wedding of the century" as it was called.  Prince William and Kate had a wedding that most girls can only dream of.  I think that's great and I hope they have a wonderful life.  But it was amazing to arrive at work and hear everyone talking about it.  People taped it, some got up and watched it at the wee hours of the morning.  I engaged in this conversation.  After all, if you're a girl, then you must talk about the dress, the attire of the guests, the attire of the bridal party, the flowers...on and on it goes.  Truth be known, I don't know Prince William or Kate and their wedding had no impact on my life, yet I still talked a lot about it.
Perhaps you found yourself doing the same thing!

As the day progressed and as I was thinking more about it today, I asked myself "how readily do I speak about Jesus, not a "future King, but rather the KING OF KINGS!  How often do I talk about the royal wedding that will take place one day, THE WEDDING SUPPER OF THE LAMB?"

Now those are 2 items that have a huge impact!  Not only does it impact life here but our eternal life!  How much effort do I make to talk about Jesus?  If Christians are going to great lengths to watch the royal wedding but not going to great lengths to talk about Jesus then our priorities are out of line.

This week take some time at the end of your day to ponder what conversations you engaged in during the day.  What did you spend the most time talking about in your free time?  I have asked myself that question quite often and it can be very convicting.

From the abundance of the heart our mouth will speak.  If your heart is filled with the things of Jesus then that will reflect in your conversations.

Let the words of our heart and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in your site O God!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Beware of the little foxes!

I am currently going through something that I wish I did not have to go through.  But, I can do nothing about it right now....just endure.  I have been forced to change some things, develop some patience, grow in my faith, just to name a few.  Rest assured that when we are going through something painful or tough, our enemy is going to try to use that to his advantage.  My frustration level has been higher than normal, I have at times been angry at my lack of control and at times ponder some questions that I really didn't have a business pondering to begin with.  

Here's the confession- the Holy Spirit, faithful friend that He is, convicted me on the spot when my spirit was headed in an unhealthy direction.  I recognized His voice and, by the way, I agreed with Him whole heartily....but I didn't confess it at the very moment.  Instead, while I agreed with His assessment of the situation, I just wanted to hang on to my questions, frustrations and anger a little longer.  Perhaps it seemed fair-(I don't even really know what that means)- perhaps I thought I deserved to be this way and so I was gonna be this way just a little longer.  Oh, I had no desire to hang on to my thoughts and feelings forever....but  just a "little longer".  That had to be music to the ears of Satan.

About a week ago- I found myself my feelings of anger, frustration, and my questions had grown a little bit.  Then, the light went on!  I saw what was going on.  Just like someone who has a small infection but doesn't get treated until they have a big infection, I had failed to take care of my sinful attitudes and feelings that were now starting to grow roots and try to make my heart their home.

My mind went back to a sermon that my pastor preached when I was about 8 years old.  Even now, I remember it like it was yesterday.  It came from this verse:

Song of Solomon 2:15- Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes. (KJV)

The "little foxes" do the damage!  How does this apply to us in our everyday life?

We don't have to be Biblical scholars to know about those "big" sins- murder, adultery, theft, pornography just to name a few.  If you have served in ministry for any length of time, you have probably placed safeguards in your life in order to not become entangled in these sins.

But what about those "little foxes"- those petty sins that we let go unchecked because after all no one knows, it won't hurt anyone, and there's plenty of people out their doing worse things than what you're doing.

That is what happened to me- I have safeguarded myself throughout my life in order to stay away from certain situations that might lead me into one of those "big sins".  However, I had not safeguarded my attitude.  And probably, sad to say, I used those excuses I just listed above.  Because I failed to stop in my tracks the moment the Holy Spirit called me on it, in no time I saw a bitter root trying its best to take up residence.  I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit would not let go and kept hammering home the point.  I then pulled that root and confessed to God that I had not given to Him what He demands and what He is worthy of, immediate whole hearted obedience.

What are the little foxes in your life today?  Please pay attention to them.  I have never counseled a woman who just fell into some "big sin".  The story comes out and I learn that there were "little foxes" that were unchecked and now that lady had found herself dealing with much bigger problems.  It's the little fox of neglecting conversing with our Heavenly Father on a regular basis, the little fox of certain TV shows or music or movies, the little fox of gossip that will sooner or later come back to bite you.

Look at King David-  What Christian doesn't know about his adultery, and his murder.  What was the little fox?  He was not where he was supposed to be.  When he should have been at war, he was at home.  When he should have turned his eyes away after seeing Bathsheba, he gazed on her beauty and from there it was all down hill.

Look at Lot- He looked toward Sodom and the beautiful land, he pitched his tent near Sodom and shortly thereafter he is in Sodom and in trouble.

Read Psalm 1- The progression is interesting in the very first verse as it reads 
"Blessed is the man that WALKETH not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor STANDETH in the way of sinners, nor SITTETH in the seat of the scornful. 
Walk- that's not commitment- you're still on your feet, and you can run.  Standing- .  You're getting relaxed, standing still... and soon you are sitting.....and soon you're in trouble

Little foxes will destroy the fruit that the Holy Spirit wants to produce in you.  Don't let little foxes limit how God can use you- Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you those "little foxes" that are lurking around you waiting for their opportunity and then take safeguards so that they are caught before they cause you pain and stunt your spiritual growth.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

All Time Undisputed, Undefeated Champion of Love

We have all watched the NBA championships.....there is always a winner and a loser.  And while the sportscaster always interviews the champions first, sooner or later he makes his way over to the losers.  It's always the same thing....they congratulate the champion and then move on to what they could have done differently in order to have won the game.  They usually say something about "next year" or "next season".

In most situations this is how it goes.  There is almost always a "next time".  Shortly after the championships are over, you will read about some changes in the team, coaches, players, tactics, etc...getting ready for "next time".

Today I want us to take a look back resurrection morning and the victory that was accomplished  that day.  We have a Champion, the Lord Jesus Christ.  We also have a loser, our adversary, the devil.  I want to look at what the outcome of that morning meant for every believer.  I want us to look at what it meant for the loser, Satan.

What  the resurrection meant for the devil
1.)  His fate was sealed for good.  Satan will never get a second chance to tempt Jesus or overtake the authority of Jesus Christ.  The keys of death and hell .  Revelation 1:18 (KJV) "I am He that liveth, and was dead and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death"
2.) His powers were revealed for what they were- weak and substandard to the powers of the God Almighty!   Satan had given it all he had and perhaps he thought he was within close reach to the championship title! Yet, He could not keep Jesus down!  Resurrection morning showed different and forever Satan will claim the title of loser.
3.) While Satan and his demons were not annihilated, their authority has been greatly curbed- Colossians 2:15.
While he stands to accuse the saints, that is all he can do....accuse!  For the risen Christ is the Advocate for every saint!

  Zechariah 3:1-5 (KJV)  Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the Angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to oppose.  And the Lord said to Satan, "The Lord rebuke you, Satan!  The Lord who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you!  Is this not a brand plucked from the fire?  Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and standing before the Angel.  Then He answered and spoke to those who stood before Him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from him.  And to him He said, See I have removed your iniquity from you, and I will clothe you with rich robes.  And I said, Let them put a clean turban on his head, and they put clothes on him .  And the Angel of the Lord stood by.

What the resurrection means for the believer

We live defeated lives when we fail to recognize what the resurrection of Jesus Christ gained for us.  Heaven was gained but we must also recognize that the day to day victory while on this earth is something that is possible for us.

Because of the resurrection....
You have been
 Set free from sin and condemnation- Romans 8:1-2
Set free from Satan's control- Colossians 1:13
Set free from Satan's kingdom- Ephesians 2
 given the Holy Spirit- II Corinthians 1:22 given all things pertaining to life- II Peter 1:3
 given authority over the power of the enemy- Luke 10:19
 given access to God- Ephesians 1:8

You are:
Free forever from sin's power- Romans 6:14
Kept from falling- Jude 24
One with the Lord- I Corinthians 6:17
The head and not the tail- Deuteronomy 28:13
Hidden with Christ in God- Psalm 32:7
Protected from the evil one- I John 5:18
Kept by the power of God- I Peter 1:5
Secure in Christ- John 10:28-29
More than a conqueror- Romans 8:37

You have:
Access to the Father- Romans 5:2
A home in heaven- John 14:1-2Luke 10:19
All things in Christ- II Corinthians 5:17
A living hope- I Peter 1:3
A hope that is sure and steadfast- Hebrews 6:19
Authority to tread on serpents- Luke 10:19
Power to witness- Acts 1:8
Boldness and access- Hebrews 10:19
Peace with God- Romans 5:1

You can:
Do all things through Christ- Philippians 4:13
Find mercy and grace to help- Hebrews 4:16
Come boldly to the throne of grace- Hebrews 4:16
Quench all the firey darts of Satan- Ephesians 6:19
Tread on the serpent- Luke 10:19
Declare liberty to the captives- Isaiah 61:1
Overcome the enemy- Revelations 12:11
Tread Satan under foot- Romans 16:20

You cannot:
Be separated from God's love- Romans 8:35-39
Be charged or accused- Romans 8:33
Be condemned- I Corinthians 11:32

(This is such a partial list - there is so much more in the Bible I could include but didn't for the sake of time and space-  Get in your Bible and you will find so much more!!!)

Dear friend, do not live as though Jesus is still in that tomb!  He is alive and well and lives today to intercede for you!

Hebrews 12 2 says we can look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.  Two very important things to digest here.  He "sat down"- an obvious sign of finality, when Christ cried out "it is finished!" He wasn't kidding- -
" at the right hand of the throne of God."-  A place of  strength, power, importance and pre-eminence

If you know Christ as your Savior then dear child of God, live with the knowledge that you don't have to live in defeat.  Satan has already been defeated- don't let him tell you otherwise.

If you don't know Jesus, then you are currently defeated- and you do have reason for grave concern- for you currently do not have the benefits of the resurrected Christ available to you.  Please go to my tab in this blog on how to have a personal relationship with God.  He loves you, Christ died and rose again for you!  You can change your eternal address from hell to heaven the very moment you accept Him into your life and ask Him to be your Savior!

There is no other "god"!  No other "god" has died and rose again and no other "god" can forgive your sins and offer you the hope that Jesus Christ offers you.  It is hope for today and hope for eternity!

If you accept Christ, let me know!  I would love to send you materials, even a Bible to help you get started on your walk with the Lord- no charge to highest privilege to send it to you!!
He is Risen!   To God be the glory!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Jesus, our example to the very end! The day He wore my crown!

Jesus "walked in our shoes" so that He could empathize with us and show us an example of how we should walk. (I Peter 2:21)  The earthly ministry of Jesus did not end when He was nailed to the cross.  Even on the cross He was ministering and teaching.  I want us to look at the 7 last sayings of Jesus Christ.  It brings chills and tears when I listen to these sayings, keeping in mind that they were spoken while hanging on a cross in agony and pain.  O that I could grasp just a tiny bit of that day.  All I can say is that I am so thankful that as that blood poured out, it was a cleansing stream and remains one today.  Let's look at these afresh.  Don't just read the words, close your eyes and allow yourself to picture the image, the day, the crowd, the pain, the shame.  Thank Him that He loved you enough to go to the cross for YOU.  When He was on the cross, you were on His mind.

These sayings are in the order in which they were spoken by our Lord.

1.)  "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do"  (Luke 23:34)- The first thing Jesus does from the cross and pray to His Father for them, asking His Father to forgive them.  The executioners, while well aware of what they were doing, they did not know the magnitude, they did not understand they were nailing the KING OF KINGS to the cross.  As they spit upon Him, mocked Him, beat Him, and drove the nails through the flesh of our Savior and into the cross, Jesus chooses to forgive.

2.) "Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise" (Luke 23:43)- From the cross, Jesus offers salvation.  Two thieves were crucified that day, one on each side of our Savior.  One looked at Jesus at Jesus and cursed Him, the other one looked at Jesus and "got it" and cried out to Christ from the cross.  In the midst of His pain, Jesus offered hope.

3.)  "When Jesus therefore saw His mother,.and the disciple whom He loved standing by, He said to His mother, "Woman, behold your son!"  Then He said to the disciple, "Behold your mother!" And from that hour that disciple took her to his own home."  (John 19:26-27)  Here we see the priority Jesus placed on relationships.  Jesus was close to breathing His last breath, yet He made sure that His mother was cared for by John..aka "The disciple whom He loved"

4.)  "And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?"  that is "My God, My God why have You forsaken Me?"- (Matthew 27:46).  Here we see Jesus taking on the full weight of the sin of all humanity (past,present,and future).  Since sin can never be in the presence of  our Holy God, Jesus felt the absence of His Father.  Jesus felt the weight of abandonment and He chose to pray in the midst of it.

5.) "I thirst" (John 19:29)-  Only after Jesus has cared for the needs of others does He express His own need.  Imagine, the One who made the oceans, the lakes, the rivers.....the One who is called the Living Water cries out "I thirst".  Though earlier on Jesus was offered drink on a sponge, He refused.  The sponge was soaked in vinegar and gall- a sedative or pain reliever that we might think of as today's Morphine.  Jesus refused it, for He chose to feel all of the pain for us.  This drink He was offered here did not contain that sedative.

6.) "It is finished"  (John 19:30)- Jesus called the shots even from the cross!  It was not over until Jesus said it was over.  The cross and all the horrific pain that came along with death by crucifixion did not take the life of Jesus.  Jesus laid down His life.  His earthly ministry would not draw to a close until Jesus said "IT IS FINISHED!"- This was not a cry of defeat, rather a cry of victory!

7.)  "Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit"- (Luke 23: 46)- This is the contentment Jesus had in His death.  He had completed what He came to earth to accomplish.  He had done the will of the Father and now He was about to return to His Father.  Though He felt the pain of His Father turning His back on Him as He carried the weight of the world on that cross, He knew the love His Father had for Him.

Lives would never be the same because of six hours one Friday.  The world would never be same.  Jesus' disciples didn't understand it then, but they were just handed the torch to carry on the ministry of Jesus. The crowd thought they witnessed the crucifixion of a criminal, but in reality they witnessed the crucifixion of a King, the King of Kings. The devil didn't get it....he was thinking he would get the trophy for the "Most Valuable Player" in this plot, but in reality he was about to have the keys of death and hell ripped from his filthy hands and he would be made a spectacle of though the victory of the resurrection.  Over 2000 years later the cross is still as powerful, the One who hung upon it is still causing controversy, Satan is still striving to silence the message of the cross, yet he does so in vain-for the blood is still cleansing those who immerse themselves in it!  Hallelujah!  It is impossible to silence our Savior!

How has the cross changed your life?  We can never underestimate the power of the cross or the importance of the cross.  We live in a day where, even in some churches, the cross has been downplayed.  It's not a pretty story, in fact, it's pretty gory.  But the cross, the blood.....this is what cleanses us!

The cries from the cross taught me so much.  I want to follow in the example of my Savior though forgiving those who hurt me, witnessing to the lost, caring for those relationships in my life and spending time with my Heavenly Father,running to Him when I feel lonely, crying out "I thirst" and allowing Him to satisfy that thirst.  And one day, when I have completed what the Lord placed me on the earth to accomplish, I want to be content, and at peace crying out "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit."  I will fall asleep and awake to embrace the only One in heaven that will have scars......Jesus Christ, my precious Savior.
These are powerful songs- I hope you will listen to them and your heart will be blessed!  I will glory in the cross!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The 150th anniversary of the Civil War- slavery is still alive and well!

This week has been a big deal at our house.  You see, my husband loves history and has a special interest in the Civil War and this past week was the 150th anniversary of the start of the Civil War.  He knows that war inside out...If I didn't know better I would think he fought in the civil war! The Civil War had a huge impact on America!  Slavery will remain an embarrassing blemish on America's record and it was the right decision to fight in order to bring an end to slavery.  Abraham Lincoln will forever be remembered for his leadership during those dark days.

The word  "slave" does not bring warm fuzzy feelings and understandably so.  But, in reality, slavery is only as horrible as its master.  This leads me to what I want to share with you today.

Slavery is mentioned throughout the Bible.  In fact, you will find it in the Old Testament as well as the New.  It will come from the mouth of Apostle Paul, and the other apostles and of Jesus Christ!  Now, while we are tempted to see slavery in only one way- which is the slavery we know of that birthed the Civil War- we must look at how the idea of slavery is used in the Bible.  If you are wondering if Jesus was for slavery as it was in the days of the Civil War, I will say this; God always acts in a way that is consistent with His character.  That answers that question for me.

Ok, let's look at a few verses in the Bible that speak of slavery.

Matthew 6:24 (NKJV) No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to one and despise the other.  You cannot serve God and mammon.

Jesus uses the word "master" which is a word that is associated with slavery.

Romans 6:4-5 states: For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin.

I Corinthians 7:22- For he who is called in the Lord while a slave is the Lord's freedman.  Likewise he who is called while free is Christ's slave.  You were bought with a price; do not become slaves of men.

Romans 7:14b I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin.   Romans 7:25- So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God's law, but in the sinful nature a slave to the law of sin.

This is just a few of the verses.  Perhaps the 2 most powerful verses for me are the following comes following:

 John 8:34-36.
"Jesus replied, I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.  Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever.  So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."

II Peter 2:19b- for a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him.

All these verses teach us that all of us are slaves- slaves to sin or slaves to righteousness.  Whatever, or whoever masters us tells us whose slave we are.

In my study of slavery and the Bible, I was caught by some verses I've read hundreds of times but the Holy Spirit taught me anew.  The Apostle Paul and other apostles often started their  letters describing themselves as a "bond servant" of Jesus Christ.  What does the word "bond servant" mean?  Is it just another word for "slave"?  In some ways, yes!  A bond servant has a master and they have to obey the master.  However, there is a huge difference in the relationship between the master and the slave.  Don't miss this!

Romans 1:1- Paul, a bond servant of Jesus Christ.....
Ephesians 6:5 we are encouraged to obey are earthly masters (bosses) not as men pleasers but as "bond servants" of Christ.
Philippians 1:1 Paul and Timothy, bond servants of Jesus Christ
Titus 1:1 Paul, a bond servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ
James 1:1 James, a bond servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
II Peter 1:1 Simon Peter, a bond servant and apostle of Jesus Christ

Let's review:
1.) we are all slaves- slaves to sin or slaves to righteousness
2.) We cannot be a slave to both- Jesus says you're either with me or against me!
3.) We are a slave to whatever controls us.  It's not WHO we say we are with our tongue that reveals near as much as what we say with our ACTIONS and HABITS.
4.)We are called to be bond servants of Jesus Christ

What about this word "bond servant"?  Why did the Apostles so often start their letters off proudly saying they were bond servants of Jesus Christ?

After 7 years a slave was set free.  However, a bond servant was a slave, who is love, binds himself to his master for life.  He stayed because he wanted to.  The Apostles started their letters that way announcing their full submission to their Master, Jesus Christ!

Becoming a bond servant was a big deal.  It was bound by a covenant between the master and his bond servant.  The master would take care of the servant (shelter, food, clothing, everything!)
When the slave became a bond servant they would bore through his ear with an awl (we know it as getting our ears pierced!)  In the Old Testament times the Hebrew people symbolically linked the ear to obedience.
The bond servant would literally and figuratively become a part of his master's family.  It was basically an adoption.  The piercing of the ear meant that the bond servant had an open ear to the master's call and he served his master forever.

What were the benefits the bond servant gained?
The Master would take care of him, he just had to obey

What was the trade off for being a bond servant?
1)He gave up his freedom
2) He gave up his will for the will of his master\
3) He obeyed the master

Could it be that this is what the Apostle Paul was conveying to us in Galatians 4: 7 "So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you an heir.

When we accept Christ as our Savior we are sealed, just like when a slave would get his ear pierced when becoming a bond servant.  He has covenanted to take care of us in every way forever! He adopts us into the family! (Ephesians 1:5)  We are called to lay down our "freedoms" and our will to follow after Christ and obey Him, for He is our Master!

I know of no situation where the word bond servant is ever used in talking about sin.  Instead, we see the word "slave".  I don't know, but I kind of think that is deliberate.  A master covenants with his bond servant that he will provide for all his needs and adopt him into the family.  Satan, the author of sin, would never make such a true covenant with the one enslaved by sin.  He is a liar and the father of lies and he is not interested in our well being\-rather he is interested in destroying us. (Satan comes only to steal, kill and destroy! John 10:10)

Millions of folks today are slaves and they don't even realize it.  They are slaves to satan and his bag of tricks such as alcohol, drugs, sex, etc.  They don't even know that Jesus Christ did something that Abraham Lincoln could not do in all of his contribution to putting an end to slavery. Jesus Christ, the true Emancipator, went to the cross, and right before His last breath He cried out "It is Finished"!!   3 days  later He made a spectacle of the devil by triumphing over the grave and made a way for us to be freed from the bonds of slavery to sin and  satan! (Colossians 2:15)

Who is your Master?  Is it Jesus or is it Satan- ( those are the only two choices)  If you don't know Christ as your Savior and Master then go to my tab on how to have a personal relationship with Christ.

 I ask you:  Is your ear pierced?  Can you, can I say "I am a bond servant of Jesus Christ"?

We will never have a better Master than the Lord Jesus Christ!

To God be the glory!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Please answer your page!

It's way to early but I've had a lot of pain this morning and I also have a lot on my mind.  I decided I would get up and share a little of what is on my heart.  I believe it is what the Lord would have me share this morning.

I am in the medical profession and so pagers or "beepers" have been a big part of my everyday life.  Of course these days most of us have cell phones and that is how we are paged- but most doctors still  have pagers.

Pagers are both a blessing and a curse if you think about it. It is a blessing to the one who is trying to reach you, it is a curse to the one getting paged (sometimes).  You're right in the middle of doing something and it goes off!

When I page a doctor it is because there is a problem with one of his patients.  Sometimes a physician doesn't respond in a timely fashion and I must page him again.  There have been times in my career when it has taken 3-4 pages before I get a response.  If a doctor doesn't respond to a page it could end up harming the patient for I need a medicine or a treatment that only a doctor can order..

This got me thinking about the Holy Spirit.  He is the believer's internal pager.  When there is a sin problem in our lives, or perhaps the Lord is leading us to do a certain thing, that internal pager (the Holy Spirit) goes off, alerting us that there is a problem we need to give attention to.  Now we have that option of not answering that page....but pretty soon that internal pager known as the Holy Spirit will go off again....and again.

If we ignore that alert from the Holy Spirit it can be harmful to our spiritual health!

If you walk inside a church or a theater or some public place you may see the signs that say "Please put your cell phone or pagers on silent"  Why?  They don't want anything to bring a distraction to a church service or movie or such.  We never want to do that with the Holy Spirit.  In fact, we can try and silence Him, but He will go off right in the middle of anything we are doing......that is how much He loves us.  He is that concerned about us!  The Holy Spirit is more than willing to distract in order to alert us to what He is saying!

It is possible for us to quench the Holy Spirit.  We do this by a continual ignoring of His alerts.  This is a place in which the Christian does not want to find himself.  The Holy Spirit is paramount to our spiritual health and to our protection from the devil who roams this earth like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.

My advice....answer your internal pager.  Maybe you're right in the middle of that pet sin and it goes off....answer it!  Perhaps you're busy with work and you think you'll answer it later! answer it now. Never put this pager on silence.  Welcome the Holy Spirit's alerts!  We have been given the Holy Spirit for this purpose!  He is our guide and our counselor in this sin sick world!

To God be the glory!

John 16: 12-15

Saturday, April 9, 2011

" I have to find myself!"

Have you ever heard that statement made by someone you know?  Perhaps you have made that statement before.  Pop psychology promotes this thought.  - I never quite knew the meaning of "finding myself".

In my devotions yesterday I was reading something and within that reading there was a sentence or two about "finding ourselves" and so I decided to address this today

For the believer, I don't understand wanting to getting to "know ourselves" as being a priority.  Spending time on this is spending time in the very thing we are called to put off- our flesh, our human  ways and desires.  According to the Word of God, when we become Christians we are to count ourselves dead to self but alive in Christ Jesus.

Romans 6:11 (NKJV)
"Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord."  Paul had an understanding of the power of the "old man" and the temptation to resurrect it- that is why he said "I die daily" (I Corinthians 15:31b)

Spending too much time finding ourselves can also be quite depressing- it spends time focusing on who we WERE before Christ, which is a pretty wretched sin sick individual.  Paul refused to look at the past, he said he was forgetting that which was behind and pressing on- Philippians 3:13.

So instead of pondering on "finding ourselves" what should we be thinking about- who should we be trying to find out more about and ever increasing in knowledge of?  Well the Apostle Paul and Jesus Christ answer that question perfectly

Let's look at what the Apostle Paul said in Philippians 3:8-10 (NKJV)

"Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish that I may gain Christ.
And be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith.
That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death."

Now let's look at the last recorded prayer of Jesus Christ.  John 17:3 (NKJV)

"And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent"

It is not a question of acquaintance with ourselves, or of knowing what we are, or what we do, or what we feel; it is simply a question of becoming acquainted with God, and getting to know what He is and what He does, and what He feels.  Comfort and peace can never come from anything we know about ourselves, but only and always from what we know about Him.If we were planning to take a dangerous voyage, our first question would be as to the sort of captain we were to have.  Our common sense would tell us that if the captain were untrustworthy, no amount of trustworthiness on our part would make the voyage safe; and it would be his character and not our own that would be the thing of paramount importance to us."

Friend, this life can be compared to a dangerous voyage.  Everyday we face the waves of terror, war, disease, a poor economy, gangs and violence on every scale.  I know that knowing myself cannot divert any of this.....I want to know the Captain of the ship!  The One who holds the whole world in His hands.  The One whose eye is on the sparrow and who knows exactly how many hairs I have on my head.  He is in control and knowing Him puts my heart at peace....for nothing can separate me from Him.  Praise you Jesus!

Romans 8:38-39 (NKJV)  "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities not powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, or any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Don't allow Satan to rob your joy by focusing on "finding yourself".  Concentrate on knowing the One who came to find you and me, lost sheep in need of a Savior.  Make a commitment today to focus on knowing Christ!

To God be the glory!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Is praising God through the fire a masquerade or a metamorphosis?

So sorry!  Wanted to get this written sooner but things got a little hectic and so here I am, finally!  Last blog I talked a little bit about Job.  That Old Testament man who lost it all, but never lost his praise!  Was he a fake?  Was it all a masquerade?  Or did the praise that he spoke come from his heart?  That is what I want to talk about.

I believe there are two ways to live our lives.  We are either saved, or we aren't.  If we are saved, we are either conformed to the world, which is the "masquerade" or we are living transformed, which is the "metamorphosis".

What do I mean?  Let's dig in....

Go to Romans 12:2  "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."

The word "conformed" in the Greek is the word "suschematizo"   It is used only 2 times in the Bible, (Romans 12:2 and I Peter 1:14)- It is used of masquerading or putting on an act.  It also conveys the thought of following a manner of life that is unstable and changing rather than enduring,    An outward form that varies from year to year and day to day.

When we conform ourselves to the ways of this world then we will be a spiritual roller coaster.  As our lives change, so will our walk with the Lord.  We will praise Him when things are great, and walk away when things are bad.  This certainly did not reflect the life of Job.  He had it all!  He was a wealthy man in both money and possessions and he had a large family that he dearly loved.  Satan told God that the reason Job walked such a blameless life was that God had blessed Him greatly and never allowed him to face such suffering.  He was sure that if heartache was to come upon Job, then Job would curse God.  Satan was wrong!  (Which proves that Satan cannot see into the future, he is not Omniscient as is our God!)

Job did not conform, but rather he was transformed- Let's look at the word "transformed" . In the Greek, this word is  "Metamorphoo"  which is where we get the word metamorphosis.  It is used in Mt 17:12, Mk 9:2, Rm 12:2, II Cor 3:18.  An example would be a cocoon.  The outward appearance is not changing, the change is coming from within....and in time a beautiful butterfly will appear.  When God is doing the changing in our lives, it will always come from the inside out.  And it always produces beauty.  When we try to change ourselves, we find ourselves trying to change from the outside in and that doesn't work.

Job praised God in the good times and in the bad times because he was a man that allowed God to work on the inside.  And what is on the inside will always be revealed when we are squeezed by the trials of life.  If you squeeze a lemon hard enough, the juice that will come forth is lemon juice!  That's what was on the inside.  When Christ is living in us and we get squeezed then Christ-like character will still be what comes forth for we have Him living and reigning in us.

Job was not a man without questions, he was human. But one thing that I noticed about Job.  His confusion and ramblings came when he tried to "figure God out".  He tried to "make sense" of his suffering.  We will never figure God out and we will not always make sense of our suffering.  But God is in the business of refining and transforming.  And today we may only see our lives as the unattractive cocoon, something that is not that great to look at.  But God is working on the inside, and if we let Him, He will, in His time, reveal that beautiful butterfly.  He knows the way that we take, and when He has tried us, we shall come forth as gold. Read it!!  It does not say we might, it does not say "if it all works out" says we "SHALL" come forth as gold.

Refining.....refining gold and silver requires intense heat, refining furniture requires sanding it down til it is bare, stripped of all former paint or stain....lots of work, lots of pain, but the final result is beauty.

God is in the business of beauty!  I love you!   I pray for those of you who read. I ask u to pray for me!

Heavenly Father....

We don't want to live life like a masquerade party.....wearing a mask, a roller coaster of emotions based on circumstances.  We want to be transformed, which we know Word says comes through the renewing of our minds.  This, we know is done through allowing Your Word to enter our lives and penetrate into our hearts.  Father, as we ask You to change us, we know that You are a God of excellence and You strip away all that needs to be stripped away that we might come forth as gold.  Thank you that You never leave us nor forsake us in this process.  We may lose a lot that we hold dear in the refining process, but we commit to never losing our praise!  For we stand with Job and say, the Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord.

Dear brother and sister:  Do not be conformed to this world- do not take on the things of this world!  Be transformed through renewing of your mind- which means STAY IN THE WORD OF GOD!

compromise leads to conformity which leads to defeat!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Tune in

Is "praising Him through the fire" a masquerade or a metamorphosis?  Tune into my blog in next few days as we will be looking at the Scripture to answer that question-  Have a great day!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Praise Him Through the Fire

Have you ever had one of those moments when you prayed and God answered you immediately?  This is what happened to me right now!  When I asked God what I should write about, He answered me immediately.  A few days ago I wrote about praise, today I am going to write about pain....about trials in our life.  Pain comes knocking at every one's door at some time or another.  Pain shows up in many different forms. I believe how we respond to the pain that comes into our lives is very important.  I am not the author of that statement.  God has given us instruction all throughout His Word on how we are to respond to pain- This tells us that He cares about how we respond to our trials.  Let's go to the Word of God and let Scripture speak.

I love the Old Testament for it often reveals a lot about the life of someone.  As we read, we feel like we really get to know the person for we read about their happy times and their sad times, their victories over sin and their mess ups.  Good or bad, pretty or ugly, we read it all.

I want us to take a look at a Biblical character that most everyone knows at least a little bit about, the man called Job.

The book starts with high praise for Job- He was a good man that feared God and stayed away from evil- That is Job 1:1 in a nutshell.  But what transpires from there is something we are privy to but Job is not.  We are given "behind the scenes" info about what was transpiring between God and Satan.  This is something that Job knows nothing about.

In the first chapter we read that Job loses his property and his children.  This all happens in rapid sequence, for we read that before one man can finish delivering his bad news, another one is there waiting to tell Job more bad news.   Job's response:  Job 1:21-22 (NKJV) "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I shall return there. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord."  In all this Job did not sin or charge God with wrong.

The second chapter doesn't get any better.  We read about Job losing his health.  He develops painful sores all over his body and finds himself sitting in the midst of ashes, attempting to relieve his pain by scraping his self with a broken piece of pottery.  As if that wasn't bad enough, Job's wife is probably starting to feel very overwhelmed and scared by all this, she has had all that she feels she could take.  She goes to her husband and expresses her frustration and questions with God and encourages Job to curse God and die (Job 2:9).  Job's response to his wife:  "You speak as one of the foolish women speaks.  Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?"  In all this Job did not sin with his lips.  (Job 2: 10)

The second chapter also reveals that the friends of Job really failed him at a time when they could have been a source of encouragement.  They came to comfort him and they probably were sincere.  The Bible says in Job 2:13 : "So they sat down with him on the ground seven days and seven nights and no one spoke a word to him, for they saw that his grief was very great."    However, once they opened their mouth it was all downhill.

This is only the first two chapters!  A man who was walking on the pathway of pain, redecorating it into a pathway of praise.

So we will stop here with Job.  We have read about and learned from a man that lived out a New Testament verse that had not even been written yet- I want to take you to that verse.  Lets go to James 1:2: "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials."  Lets stop there.

I want to share with you what the Holy Spirit said to me as I read these verses

While we don't always want to accept this fact, we must....we must understand that we can wear the garment of praise even when pain is present in our lives.  Not only can we wear the garment of praise, but we are commanded to do so.   It is not to be a fake sort of praise, but a heart felt praise to the One who has promised to see us through.

1.  Trials prepare us for our purpose-  Silver and gold are purified in the hottest fires.  It is such a delicate process that the refiner of such precious material does not leave their side as they go though the process of purification.  The  best fruit comes from a field that has been plowed and the hard ground broken up.  Before the seed is planted, the ground is readied.  Down the road it reaps a pleasant and profitable harvest.

God has a purpose for us and He wants only the very best for us.  He strives to continually conform us more and more to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ.  Friend, that is a process- but just like the refiner, He never leaves our side as we go through the process and His hand is the hand that controls the thermostat of the furnace.

What is the purpose of our trials- Job said it perfectly - Turn to Job 23:10 "But He knows the way that I take; When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold."  God's end result for us is the best, the most precious of metals- He wants us to become as gold!

2. Problems pave the way for the power of God to be put on display  -  The power of God is magnified to us  as we go through trials.  In my illness I have seen first hand the power of God as He tends to me, His sheep.  But, what is also great is that His power is made evident to those around God's sheep.  His power may be displayed through a divine miracle of healing, or, in what we think of as a less grander scale,  His provision for us financially or His encouragement, His empowering us with strength, His lifting of our head.  There are times in my life experiences or in testimony of others, that those around us witness such power and end up coming to a saving faith because of what they witnessed! God's power was displayed so perfectly 3days after the most horrific pain one could ever endure- the crucifixion of His Son on an old rugged cross! God resurrected His Son from the grave!

3. Problems prepare us for ministry- The greatest Christian warriors we have read about from the days of the Bible to the very present day have come through the path of pain.  They made it and have successfully ran their race because they turned the path of pain into a path of praise. If you look at the ministry of Abraham, Joseph, King David, Joshua, Daniel, John the Baptist, the 12 disciples, the Apostle Paul, Billy Graham, Joni Erikson Tada  and of course, the greatest one, our Lord Jesus Christ all have had great ministries but not without their share of intense pain.  These are countless others who could testify to the same.  They took the path of pain and turned it into a path of praise.  Do you want to know why God came down in flesh and dwelt among us through the person Jesus Christ,   Do you want to know why for 3 years Jesus emptied Himself of all of His rights to become 100% man, while yet remaining 100% God?  Do you want to know why He endured pain and suffering when He could have walked away from it all?

  Scriptures tells us in Hebrews 4:15: "For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin." 

 Jesus suffered so He could relate to us.  Our pain, if we let it, can be used to minister to others as we relate to them in their pain.

If you read the Psalms you will continually read the Psalms of David as he took his path of pain and turned it into a path of praise.

How do we do this?

1.)  It takes a conscious effort- It takes surrendering it to God and being willing to leave it with God.
2.) It takes determination to know the Word of God- not just head knowledge but more importantly...heart knowledge.
3.)  It takes fellowship with our Heavenly Father- When we get to know the Father, we will gain a more intimate friendship with Him.  As we learn more about His character we will understand why we have reason to praise Him even when we are in pain.
4.)  It takes a voice that is quick to proclaim His praise and His message to others.- As we speak of God and His Son, Jesus Christ we will find our own faith increasing and thereby we will find ourselves walking on a path of pain but paving over the path of pain with praise.

Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning! (Psalm 30:5)

I am going through some difficult circumstances these days.  I also know that I am not alone.  The world is a mess and the path of pain is a path well trodden by countless others.  For the child of God, please understand this:
Philippians 1:6 (NKJV)- "being confident of this very thing, that He who begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."

If you are in the furnace take heart that Jesus is there, His hand on the thermostat and if we count it all joy, we will come forth as gold!

To God be the glory