Well it came and went.....the "wedding of the century" as it was called. Prince William and Kate had a wedding that most girls can only dream of. I think that's great and I hope they have a wonderful life. But it was amazing to arrive at work and hear everyone talking about it. People taped it, some got up and watched it at the wee hours of the morning. I engaged in this conversation. After all, if you're a girl, then you must talk about the dress, the attire of the guests, the attire of the bridal party, the flowers...on and on it goes. Truth be known, I don't know Prince William or Kate and their wedding had no impact on my life, yet I still talked a lot about it.
Perhaps you found yourself doing the same thing!
As the day progressed and as I was thinking more about it today, I asked myself "how readily do I speak about Jesus, not a "future King, but rather the KING OF KINGS! How often do I talk about the royal wedding that will take place one day, THE WEDDING SUPPER OF THE LAMB?"
Now those are 2 items that have a huge impact! Not only does it impact life here but our eternal life! How much effort do I make to talk about Jesus? If Christians are going to great lengths to watch the royal wedding but not going to great lengths to talk about Jesus then our priorities are out of line.
This week take some time at the end of your day to ponder what conversations you engaged in during the day. What did you spend the most time talking about in your free time? I have asked myself that question quite often and it can be very convicting.
From the abundance of the heart our mouth will speak. If your heart is filled with the things of Jesus then that will reflect in your conversations.
Let the words of our heart and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in your site O God!