Sunday, September 30, 2012

Clinging to the Word

I love the Old Testament.....I especially love the book of Deuteronomy.  It is full of good instruction.
I want to focus for just a moment on Deuteronomy 32: 46:47

 And he said to them:  "Set your hearts on all the words which I testify among you today, which  you shall command your children to be careful to observe- all the words of this law."
"For it is not a futile thing for you, because it is your life, and by this word you shall prolong your days in the land which you cross over the Jordan to possess."

Let's look at the context- Moses is nearing death.  He is giving final instruction to the people.  Israel is about to finish her journey into the promised land.  Chapter 32 is called "the song of Moses".  Nearing the end of his song he reminds the people to set their hears on all the words he has spoken telling them it is not a "futile thing for you" but rather "it is your life"

The Hebrew word for "futile" here is better translated "empty"

What a great reminder and last words of instruction from Moses.  We need to cling to the Word of God and heed it's instruction.

I grew up in church and in a Christian school.  I can't remember a time when I did not have a Bible- in fact, I have always been around plenty of Bibles.  My Christian school had us memorize plenty of Scripture (I thank God for that) - so I have a lot of head knowledge about the Bible.  While that is wonderful, I must be careful that I do not take it for granted and treat it as a "futile" thing.  If not careful, I could easily take it for granted (and I have at times) because I've always been around it.

The Bible, the Word of God, is our life.  Just like blood must continue circulating throughout our bodies to keep us physically alive, so must the word of God be forever circulating in our bodies to keep us spiritually alive.

I am a nurse and throughout my nursing career of 25+  years, I have given death care to more patients then I care to think about.  A corpse has blood in him- he died because the blood was no longer circulating.

We can have the Word of God in us but if it is not circulating through our bodies (reading it/applying it/heeding it/ clinging to it) we will have a dead spiritual life

Throughout the book of Deuteronomy, you will hear Moses over and over again say these words "be careful".

We must be careful to not forsake the Word of God or not neglect the Word of God but rather cling to it - as it is our life.

If we were bleeding today we would know to act quickly- to apply pressure to stop the bleeding, to call 911, to seek help immediately  for we understand that the life of the flesh is in the blood.  So must we take the same action when we find ourselves slipping from the Word of God or treating it lightly.- our very life depends on it.!

So many times throughout my life when I have been confused or upset about something, I have slept clinging to my Bible like it was a teddy bear.  Not because there is any magic that happens by clinging to the Book physically but because I had been reading it and clinging to the words on the pages spoken to me by the Holy Spirit that I did not want to let it go, I could not let it go

Cling to it today- it is your life

To God be the glory

Sunday, September 16, 2012

forgiveness....part 2- the toughest part

It is so easy for me to write out what God says in His Word about forgiveness.  The tough part is application!  I wish I could say I mastered it but sometimes I realized I haven't even scratched the surface.

  First I want to say that I don't want to confuse forgiveness with taking appropriate action.  If a crime has been committed, especially against a child then appropriate steps have to be taken- those steps include notifying the proper authorities and removing any child or person from danger.  People that commit such criminal acts forfeit, often for a lifetime, certain rights or privileges such as teaching or working with children.  The Bible has laid out the conduct of a deacon or a pastor and when a pastor falls into some sins, I believe he has a Biblical responsibility to permanently step down from God's call on his life.  Can God use these folks again?  Of course, but in the Lord's time and in the Lord's way -

Second- Forgiveness should not be confused with wise choices- There are times when it is wise to remove ourselves from certain situations or certain people who have harmed us physically, emotionally, mentally.  You might have to change churches or even stop contact with a friend or family member for a time or forever.  There have been people in my life that I have separated myself from because they remained abusive in certain ways- despite attempts to talk with them, advise they seek help, or even warn them of my plan to sever ties with them if they continued in that behavior.  It was a hard choice but a necessary choice.

When someone says they're sorry- We are called to forgive-actually with our without the apology we are called to forgive- Christ died for us  before we ever offered up an apology.  I am forgiven of past, present, future sins.  When someone tells me they are sorry- it is not mine to judge the sincerity- to forgive or not forgive.  It is my duty to forgive.  I should use wisdom in my interaction with them.  When trust is broken, it takes time for that to rebuild- but by all means I must forgive.

It is not mine to determine the punishment to be inflicted on them before I will forgive them.  Vengeance is mine says the Lord- I will repay.  Romans 12:19.  Let God handle all of that.

The goal is always restoration if the person is saved or salvation if the person is lost- When church discipline is spoken of in the Bible - it is for the goal of restoration.  Excommunication of a brother or sister from the church is not done in anger or with intent to punish- but rather with love and the intent to restore. I Cor 5:5

Summing it all up:  Last night my husband and I sat in a church service and the topic was grace.  It could not have been  a more fitting sermon for me to hear  while I am writing this blog.  The pastor spoke of active grace- we are to extend grace.  The pastor reminded us that the word "Christian" means "little Christ" .  If you claim the title of Christian then that is what you are- a "little Christ".  We are to be Jesus in the flesh to people.

Jesus has always responded to me with grace- He extends grace to me daily and His mercies are new every morning. (Lamentations 3:22-23)  When I've blown it- Jesus has responded with grace and forgiveness.  The devil reminds me of my past but the Lord focuses on my future.  The Lord has put my sins behind my back, while the devil piles them at my feet every opportunity he has.  Jesus extends His hand out to pick me up- the devil extends his foot to kick me back down on my way up.

May we seek to be like Christ- He set the standard.  I have recently read (concerning forgiveness) that "God forgives like that because He's God, I'm not God and He understands that"  Well that statement has truth to it...after all we aren't God and Jesus certainly suffered all things on this earth so He could relate to our hurts,and our temptations (Hebrews 2: 18),  but He doesn't let us off the hook.  He was the example and we are to follow in His steps.- I Peter 2:21

Oh Father, reveal to us right now the secrets of our heart, the bitterness or unforgiveness that we have hidden away tucked in a corner of our heart.  Oh Lord, You see it, and You desire to clean house.  Please cleanse our hearts - change our minds.  Let this mind be in us which was also in Christ Jesus- Phil 2:5

Help us to see things as You see them.  May the things that break Your heart be the things that break our heart.  Father rain down fire to melt our hearts of stone.  (Ezekiel 36:26)

Father for Your children, our brothers and sisters who have stumbled, some in some big ways- would You grant them great grace, would You pick them up and hug them tightly.  Father, some of these folks may face serious consequences for criminal acts.  Father, even in the darkest of nights, may they find hope in You.  You are our only hope (Hebrew 6:19), our only peace. (Romans 5:1)

Thank you Jesus- thank You for forgiving me that day You hung on the cross.  You who knew no sin, became sin that I might be saved (II Cor 5:21)- Help me to grasp even just a tiny bit of that today.  May I walk worthy of the name I bear- "Christian"

In Jesus Name

To God be the glory  great things He hath done!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012 it possible? I have to?..........

Well, I have been gone longer than I expected!  I have been working very hard in my job as a nurse and a lot has gone on that has kept me away from my personal time on the computer but I have not forgotten my readers and I have missed you!.  I have been praying for you!  I have a large map on my study wall and I have marked all the countries where God has allowed my words....which I believe have been His words spoken through be heard.  I look at them often and whisper a prayer for my readers.

The last few weeks I have had a heavy heart and tonight I bring to you what the Lord has laid on my heart.  The topic of forgiveness.  I received some bad news over the last few weeks.  Some folks I know fell hard.  Satan has a way with temptation and our human nature as a way of craving whatever it is that he is cooking up.....not taking time to fully digest the consequences.

People are mad, hurt, sad, confused and probably a variety of other emotions- all understood- even justified...but anger left to itself has done exactly what God said it would do.  It has led to bitterness, slander, hate and you can forget about satan gaining a "foothold"- Goodness, the door opened wide and he just walked right in!

Satan is having a field day right now and to be honest, my heart is broke.  Folks I know have chosen the social media to just slander and spew out words of bitterness and anger and hatred.  Supposed Christian brother and sister just slaying other brothers and sisters with their words.

I began to ask myself and my husband questions and I began to ask God some of the same questions.
"Is it justified?  After all, what happened was horrific...."
"Is it beneficial?  After all- the sins were ones that disqualified a man from ever preaching again and it was a criminal act- they must be punished"
"Is forgiveness letting them off too easy?....should they pay through such public slander and gossip....after all what they did was pretty bad"

The verse that came to my mind immediately was Ephesians 4:32-" And be ye kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you."

Well, I just kind of quickly thought over that verse in my mind as I had memorized it years ago in jr high Bible class.....been there, memorized that, let's move on.  But God said "NO!  Meditate on this verse for a while."  I invite you to journey with me into true forgiveness as we tear apart Ephesians 4:32.

 The verse starts with the word "AND"- Chapters and verses in the Bible were not determined by God.  When the Holy Spirit inspired the writers of the books He did not say "verse 32......."  Nonetheless- when a verse begins with "and"- it reveals a continuation of something and I need to go to the verse before and find out what it is.

So lets look at verse 31.  It reads:

" Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice"

Next: I want  to look up definitions of these words:

Wrath-Forceful, often vindictive anger; wrath is forceful anger with a desire to swiftly punish or retaliate.

Anger- A strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure or hostility.

Clamor- A loud and confused noise, especially that of people shouting vehemently.

Evil speaking-Includes all defamatory or injurious remarks against others- words of hatred, malice envy or strife- everything which would injure another to any degree.  Even an uncomplimentary remark respecting another, injuring his reputation, is evil speaking, although the statement may be true.

Malice- The intention of desire to do evil; ill will.  Wrongful intention, especially as increasing the guilt of certain offenses.

Now that we've learned what we are to put off, let's return to verse 32 and look at what we are to put on-  as it is laid out in verse 32.

"Be kind to one another"- 

Kind- Showing sympathy or understanding; charitable.
Forbearing; tolerant;
Generous; liberal
Agreeable; beneficial

"Tenderhearted, forgiving one another"-

  Tenderhearted - easily moved by someone's  distress; "a noble tenderhearted creature who sympathizes with all the human race" W. M. Thackeray

Forgiving- To excuse for a fault or offer pardon; To renounce anger or resentment against

Even though all  that has been said in this verse so far has been difficult at times to apply to situations- nothing was as bold and thought provoking as the following words

"even as God in Christ forgave you"- I am not to just show forgiveness in the ways listed above but EVEN as God in Christ forgave me.  I started this page last night but decided to go to bed and sleep on this part of the verse- " How did Christ forgive me at the time of my salvation and how does Christ still forgive me today?"

1.  First thing- (meaning the moment I ask for it)
 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved- Romans 10:13- The thief on the cross was moments away from death- he asked for forgiveness, and Jesus immediately responded.
I John 1:9  - If I confess my sins, He is faithful and just to forgive me of sin and cleanse me from all unrighteousness

2.  Fully- There are no verses in the Bible that speak to forgiveness of some sins but not others.  Again
 1 John 1: 9 says ALL unrighteousness

3.  Freely- Forgiveness was the most costly gift I've ever received- It cost God everything but it was freely given to me.

4.  Forgetting- "I will remember them no more"- Hebrews 8:12, Isaiah 43:25, Jeremiah 31: 34

5. No Fishing- I love what Corie ten Boom said "When God forgives our sins, He throws them in the depths of the sea and puts up a sign "No fishing"- Micah 7:19- He tosses our sins into the depths of the sea

6. Forever- Is this forgiveness something we can lose?  I don't see one verse in the Bible supporting that, in fact  just the opposite.  A few come to mind

King David- You probably know the story...King David should have been with his men in battle but he was not, one glance at a woman led to lust, led to adultery and then the problem snowballed as King David tried to cover up adultery and the pregnancy which resulted and went as far as to murder his friend.  Pretty "big sins" huh?  Surely King David lost it all with God....or did he?  Read Chapter 51 as King David prays for repentance- In verse 12 David says "Restore unto me the joy of Your salvation"  King David had not lost his salvation- he lost the joy of fellowship with God and the JOY of salvation- Sin has a way of doing that.

My salvation is not, nor has ever been in my possession- How can I lose it?  It is in the safekeeping of God Colossians 3:3 says that I have died and my life is hidden with Christ in God-

I must stop for now- please think about how you can apply this to your life....I will do the same.  How do we  learn to forgive "even as Christ forgave you"- What about criminal acts?  What if it is a repeated offense?, What if I don't think the apology is sincere?

Tomorrow we will pick up where we left off....looking at the tough questions

To God be the glory