First I want to say that I don't want to confuse forgiveness with taking appropriate action. If a crime has been committed, especially against a child then appropriate steps have to be taken- those steps include notifying the proper authorities and removing any child or person from danger. People that commit such criminal acts forfeit, often for a lifetime, certain rights or privileges such as teaching or working with children. The Bible has laid out the conduct of a deacon or a pastor and when a pastor falls into some sins, I believe he has a Biblical responsibility to permanently step down from God's call on his life. Can God use these folks again? Of course, but in the Lord's time and in the Lord's way -
Second- Forgiveness should not be confused with wise choices- There are times when it is wise to remove ourselves from certain situations or certain people who have harmed us physically, emotionally, mentally. You might have to change churches or even stop contact with a friend or family member for a time or forever. There have been people in my life that I have separated myself from because they remained abusive in certain ways- despite attempts to talk with them, advise they seek help, or even warn them of my plan to sever ties with them if they continued in that behavior. It was a hard choice but a necessary choice.
When someone says they're sorry- We are called to forgive-actually with our without the apology we are called to forgive- Christ died for us before we ever offered up an apology. I am forgiven of past, present, future sins. When someone tells me they are sorry- it is not mine to judge the sincerity- to forgive or not forgive. It is my duty to forgive. I should use wisdom in my interaction with them. When trust is broken, it takes time for that to rebuild- but by all means I must forgive.
It is not mine to determine the punishment to be inflicted on them before I will forgive them. Vengeance is mine says the Lord- I will repay. Romans 12:19. Let God handle all of that.
The goal is always restoration if the person is saved or salvation if the person is lost- When church discipline is spoken of in the Bible - it is for the goal of restoration. Excommunication of a brother or sister from the church is not done in anger or with intent to punish- but rather with love and the intent to restore. I Cor 5:5
Summing it all up: Last night my husband and I sat in a church service and the topic was grace. It could not have been a more fitting sermon for me to hear while I am writing this blog. The pastor spoke of active grace- we are to extend grace. The pastor reminded us that the word "Christian" means "little Christ" . If you claim the title of Christian then that is what you are- a "little Christ". We are to be Jesus in the flesh to people.
Jesus has always responded to me with grace- He extends grace to me daily and His mercies are new every morning. (Lamentations 3:22-23) When I've blown it- Jesus has responded with grace and forgiveness. The devil reminds me of my past but the Lord focuses on my future. The Lord has put my sins behind my back, while the devil piles them at my feet every opportunity he has. Jesus extends His hand out to pick me up- the devil extends his foot to kick me back down on my way up.
May we seek to be like Christ- He set the standard. I have recently read (concerning forgiveness) that "God forgives like that because He's God, I'm not God and He understands that" Well that statement has truth to it...after all we aren't God and Jesus certainly suffered all things on this earth so He could relate to our hurts,and our temptations (Hebrews 2: 18), but He doesn't let us off the hook. He was the example and we are to follow in His steps.- I Peter 2:21
Oh Father, reveal to us right now the secrets of our heart, the bitterness or unforgiveness that we have hidden away tucked in a corner of our heart. Oh Lord, You see it, and You desire to clean house. Please cleanse our hearts - change our minds. Let this mind be in us which was also in Christ Jesus- Phil 2:5
Help us to see things as You see them. May the things that break Your heart be the things that break our heart. Father rain down fire to melt our hearts of stone. (Ezekiel 36:26)
Father for Your children, our brothers and sisters who have stumbled, some in some big ways- would You grant them great grace, would You pick them up and hug them tightly. Father, some of these folks may face serious consequences for criminal acts. Father, even in the darkest of nights, may they find hope in You. You are our only hope (Hebrew 6:19), our only peace. (Romans 5:1)
Thank you Jesus- thank You for forgiving me that day You hung on the cross. You who knew no sin, became sin that I might be saved (II Cor 5:21)- Help me to grasp even just a tiny bit of that today. May I walk worthy of the name I bear- "Christian"
In Jesus Name
To God be the glory great things He hath done!!